Periodic Reporting for period 2 - IECEU (Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities (IEC) in EU conflict prevention)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2016-11-01 do 2018-01-31
The IECEU–project analysed and assessed best practices and lessons learned with a view to enhance the civilian conflict prevention and peace building capabilities of EU with a catalogue of practices, new solutions and approaches. The three main goals of IECEU –project were:
1) Analysing and assessing the current situation of on-going and past missions and operations: to identify effectiveness of EU external actions and the impact in different levels areas
2) Learning from lessons provided by these missions and assessing the different options
3) Providing new solutions, approaches and recommendations for EU to guarantee long-term stability
The IECEU methodology supported to analyse the on-going mission and operation areas from the different levels; strategic, operational and field work/conflict area, and assessed the potential of pooling and sharing the EU capabilities. In all cases, the methodology was a combination of qualitative research (interviews, desk studies, panels of experts), quantitative analysis (surveys) and finally expert analysis of the efficiency of the missions. Our research and analyses was made in order to inform the policy-making and provide options for pooling and sharing the EU capabilities. IECEU -project conducted a review of the literature and the policy frameworks in the EU and internationally. The aim was to provide a creation of new conceptual approaches through co-creative methods which integrate civil, military, practitioner and academic perspectives. The catalogue of lessons identified is provided online as New Media based Online Application ( for public audience). Based on the analyses and assessments, policy dialogues and mixed method workshops, IECEU established a set of new approaches and recommendations.