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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives.


1st Period Administrative Report

1st administrative periodic report has the role of reporting on establishment of the necessary project documentation, communication channels, and reporting systems flow by CESSDA AS (Main Office). It will also report on the Governance Council first (out of four) meeting, thus ensuring the adjustments to the description of work and the financial and administrative responsibilities in the Grant Agreements and the Consortium Agreement. The Periodic Administration Reports will be presented by the project management team in CESSDA AS (Main Office) on the use of resources, delivery of outputs, and achievement of milestones at the end of respective reporting period.

3rd Periodic Administrative Report

3rd Periodic Administrative Report on the use of resources, delivery of outputs, and achievement of milestones at the end of 3rd reporting period.

2nd Period Delivery Report

The 2nd Periodic Quality Report is prepared on behalf of the Task Leaders Committee by CESSDA AS (Main Office) on the progress in management and coordination of the project activities and deliverables as well as on the scientific coordination and quality assurance of the project achieved through the oversight of the Delivery Committee, chaired by CESSDA AS as the lead beneficiary and Task Leaders identified from each of the Work Packages.

“Trust” Workshop report

Offering knowledge sharing through hands-on practitioner and community training is an efficient means to promote knowledge transfer–both among current CESSDA members and between members and non-member ERA archives working towards building services in line with CESSDA AS quality standards. Trust workshop will support CESSDA members and aspiring members in need of this training in the process of obtaining the Data Seal of Approval (DSA).

Report on the state-of-the-art, obstacles, models and roadmaps for widening the data perimeter of the data services

Report on completion of the current state of play survey of data archiving services taking into consideration national context (e.g. amount of data available, other data providers, etc.) as well as current and future researchers' needs. Specific attention will be devoted to the existence of general agreements and national policies, as well as identifying the gaps between the existing available resources and future needs.

"""Integration"" Workshop report"

Report on Integration workshop on one of the following topics (depending on the results of WP3): Metadata standards, Strategies for persistent identification (PIDs), Strategies for Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures (AAI), Thesaurus solution, Disseminating data in a cooperative setting: portal solutions, standard protocols, etc.

SaW Project Impact Assessment Report

The Delivery Committee will also deliver a whole project Impact Assessment Report to the Governance Council. The Periodic Quality Reports and final Project Impact Assessment will be prepared on behalf of the Task Leaders Committee by CESSDA AS (Main Office).

Report on DSA Certification for CESSDA

This deliverable willproduce a plan in which the different tasks for the certification (or trust) work group, briefly described in the task objective, will be elaborated and will include: making sure that all the DSA obligations are met by all SPs, in the prescribed timeframe by monitoring the progress with respect to certification; translation of the CESSDA Annex 2 Obligations into the DSA guidelines in the first year (establishing the relationship between these two entities); a review of DSA self-assessments; providing assistance on DSA certification and possibly Annex 2 Obligations Compliance (in coordination with other training initiatives within CESSDA); giving advice on DSA certification and its relation with the Annex 2 Obligations.

Report on the establishment of an international curriculum for professional development in digital data services for the social sciences

Report on exploration of the value of, and appetite for, an internationally recognised and moderated professional qualification in digital data services for the social sciences. Such a curriculum will promote a common academic basis for state of the art data curation and ensure the global outreach of the acquired knowledge within CESSDA archives. Professionals interested in data curation will have the opportunity to intensively study data curation throughout the data life cycle and practice in a hands-on environment (through the CESSDA member archives), before moving on to sharing their knowledge in their own countries and institutions.

Country report on development potentials

Report on audit of current status of data archive services in each ERA country. The assessed data services will be benchmarked against the target level of an ideal mature CESSDA Service Provider (SP).

Stakeholder Workshop report 3

CESSDA SaW final workshops will be held in Month 18. This workshop will be themed but by necessity will cover several related aspects of the project, and designed to attract approximately 20, plus 4 presenters and facilitators from the project.

Dissemination event report

Report on high-level conference aimed at institutional and political decision makers and with the main purpose to show what a seamless social science data archive service for the whole of the ERA could look like and why it is desirable. It will have a special focus on the user experience of searching for data and go beyond the European landscape. The Dissemination event will be designed to attract 40 attendees

National development plans for data services in non-CESSDA member countries in the ERA

The widening of CESSDA needs also to address new data sources and new actors. In the current context, social science archives face a situation where other data providers are emerging in different domains such as qualitative data, historical data, health data (now on the top of the government agendas) and of course big data. It includes assistance to the non-member countries in their aim to widen their data perimeter concretely according to their maturity level in the domain to build agreements taking into consideration the national context.

3rd Periodic Delivery Assessment Report

This Report will cover the scientific coordination and quality assurance of the project that will be achieved through the oversight of the Delivery Committee, chaired by CESSDA AS as the lead beneficiary, and made up of the Task Leaders identified in each of the Work Packages.

Knowledge Sharing Platform Forum Report

This report will cover the creation of an online archive of collective knowledge that can be used at any time to improve a number of skill sets. Open access will ensure use by a wider audience. To achieve this, first an online knowledge-sharing platform will be produces, using the appropriate software and adapting it to the needs of the consortium. secondly, an active search and collection of all existing materials will be finalised..

Final integrated audit report

The results of audit will constitute of a gap analysis and an up-to-date point of departure for consultation on both the policy level and data service level, the aim being to negotiate steps to be taken (development plans) to close the gaps and meet the requirements of a mature CESSDA SP.

1st Period Delivery Report

The Delivery Committee represents the primary formal communication channel for the management and coordination of the project activities and deliverables. Project support, scientific advice, and task coordination will be delivered for the project through this team, with CESSDA AS (Main Office) acting as the communications and management hub.The first meeting in Month 1 is a kick-off meeting, to launch the project tasks in a coordinated and coherent way and this deliverable will report on that efforts.

Toolset for costs/benefit analysis

Report on development of a benefit/cost advocacy programme and supporting tools such as workshops, factsheets, and (four) case studies for data services. Once developed, individual organisations will be able to apply the programme to provide nationally relevant economic and financial information, taking account of the ‘hidden’ benefits and impact of data-sharing, to support requests for sustainable funding for new national data services (a requirement for CESSDA membership).

Report on sustainability model of development support services

Support to aspiring data archives is guaranteed during the CESSDA-SaW project, but in order to provide more permamnent form of support, a sustainability model needs to be in place. This activity will make sure that the provided service will persist if necessary; otherwise, if the cross-national service is no longer required as the maturity of the service in country X has reached a certain maturity, it must be clear how the cross-national service is ended and data is transferred.

Benchmarking report, including an action plan for improvements on an inter-consortium and individual-archive level

A comparative report will be produced by using the development model. Benchmarking requires a set of indicators to serve as the basis for a comparison between the organisation and an “industry best” or “gold standard” organisation. The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) has been suggested as a benchmark for CESSDA, and whether explicitly mentioned in the application or not, ICPSR is taken as the gold standard.

2nd Period Administrative Report

CESSDA AS will provide an integrated project management and reporting tool for the whole project, ensuring the use of resources and the delivery of outputs is presented in real time and in a single common format for all participants. A derived RAG (red, amber, green) status for each Task will be available for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Governance Council meetings. Thus, each participant (linked third party and other partners) will produce a definitive statement of resources used and deliverables and milestones achieved by the end of each of the three reporting periods, using the integrated project management tool.

Knowledge Sharing Platform content and management policy

Serving as a central hub for handing over main project outputs and services to specified target audiences, publishing project news and events, CESSDA AS will provide a tailored and user friendly website as well as an interactive knowledge-sharing platform where all partners can interact and share relevant information.

International knowledge exchange forum report

Report on building of the permanent and mutually beneficial international forum for the development of human and technical capacity in the area of research data repositories.

Report summarising the current state and needs of new data services

Report on discovering and monitoring of the capacities of European data services outside the current CESSDA membership, and establishment of a collaborative network between CESSDA and non-member data services. The overview of the technical, organisational and administrative development level of the data services will be provided, as well as the financial sources on which they operate (meaning state/European funds, private investments for services provided, etc). Furthermore, a collaborative structure between the partners in a widened CESSDA network will be created.

Stakeholder Workshop report 1

Report on workshop focused on the national data archives themselves. Itwill present the arguments in favour of and the benefits of supporting sustainable national data services. At this workshop, CESSDA Main Office will have high visibility and will be supported by speakers who represent the various stakeholder groups listed from countries with well-established and supported data services.

Stakeholder Workshop report 2

CESSDA SaW 2nd workshops is held Months 12. The workshop will be themed but by necessity will cover several related aspects of the project. This workshop will be substantial, well promoted, well attended, with project coordinator leadership, representing good value for money than the alternative of each work package holding its own workshop. The workshop will be designed to attract approximately 20, plus 4 presenters and facilitators from the project.

Provision of development support services on the basis of identified demand

In the startup and consolidation phases of new archives, selected well established CESSDA archives will perform supportive tasks for starting ones, especially offering technical facilities and expertise on software tools, backup services and archival policies, for as long as trustworthy and sustainable services in the countries aspiring CESSDA membership are lacking. The supply and demand requirements will be matched and a selection of support services will be implemented.

Heuristic maturity development model

Report on developing a data service model that will work as a tool for setting up new trustworthy longterm data repository services. The model will also be used as a framework for mapping existing and emerging repositories against the minimum requirements prescribed by the model. Development dimensions will serve for selecting and formulating the appropriate model.

Launched platform

Development, beta testing, and launching of the platform - Based on the report from D2.1, a Platform Content and Management Policy will be developed. The beta testing will involve project partners as well as other stakeholders. The concept underlying the knowledge platform is to promote knowledge and skill transfer through open access structures, offering a number of tools, such as, for instance, summaries inspired by getAbstract, which has become the world's largest provider of business book summaries (c.f. The result will thus be the creation of a single point of contact in the form of an extended open access online reference library containing a range of different types of materials from all stages of the data lifecycle. Interested parties can consult these at any time for information on state of the art of data curation and data management and interact. As mentioned above, the knowledge sharing platform will be docked on the CESSDA website, meaning that it will continue to be supported after the end of the project.

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