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cooPerative depArtuRes for a compeTitive ATM networK sErvice.

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - PARTAKE (cooPerative depArtuRes for a compeTitive ATM networK sErvice.)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-09-01 do 2018-02-28

• What is the problem/issue being addressed?
The main research objective of PARTAKE has been to reduce the probability of ATC tactical interventions due to conflicting aircraft, by identifying trajectory interdependencies and determining feasible multi-airport departure configurations that relax them in a TBO framework. The underlying philosophy capitalises the flexibility of take-off time intervals assigned at strategic level but implemented at operational level when managing departures in a multi-airport system to maximize time clearances between trajectories at tactical level.

• Why is it important for society?
The SESAR ATM Master plan recognised that the modernisation of the European ATM system “should look for a better knowledge of the flights as a whole, as part of a flow within a network”. In fact, it is well accepted that a major limitation of current ATM system is the loss of effectiveness due to the limited integration between the layered planning Decision Support Tools (DST’s). The current layered planning approach fragments the ATM system both at functional level and at operational level due to a lack of flexible synchronization TBO mechanism that could deal with a trade-off solution considering the optimization targets of each stakeholder subject to infrastructure and safety constraints.
One of the PARTAKE main contributions is the effective definition and implementation of the parametrizable spatiotemporal interdependency analysis framework that supports different metrics to characterise the traffic flow at different levels of granularity. PARTAKE has defined a framework that allows operational experts to tailor which are the right spatio-temporal dynamics of interest, and then, to have a better holistic knowledge about the required management or control mitigation measures.
PARTAKE analysis tools support advanced short term ATFCM measures (STAM) for a cooperative multi-stakeholder dynamic capacity-demand balance in which latent capacity is used to satisfy air transport demand by means of new metrics. In summary, PARTAKE solution develops on top of the automation principles of: when is the best time to take a decision; where is the best place to take it; and who is the best player for doing so in an ATM context. PARTAKE solution provides a parametrizable tool tailored to these criteria for identifying the problem that should be mitigated and the analysis mechanisms to provide the best solution.

• What are the overall objectives?
Objectives considering the ATM stakeholder interests are:
- Reduction of the probability of separation minima infringement: Preliminary results shows that implemented fine-tuning algorithms could be easily parameterized to provide robust clearances at hotspots for a certain rate of predicted conflicts. Thus, instead of minimizing the ATC interventions in a high sensible scenario that could generate cascade effects on downstream conflicts, PARTAKE tools could be used to provide a robust traffic in which a reduced amount of ATC interventions are considered as part of the solution.
- Enhancement of airport A-CDM processes: PARTAKE tools will contribute to a smooth integration of the different DST’s implemented at airport level in the ATM system, in which information about turnaround and taxi-out delays could be used for a better use of airspace resources.
- To improve ANSP predictive workload: The implemented TBO mapping tools provides a more accurate traffic information to Flight Management Position in which task load at sector level could be estimated at micro-level.
The following tasks were performed from the beginning to the end of the 4. reporting period and the following main results were achieved:

WP4 – T4.2 this task aims at reinforcing the solutions issued from PARTAKE mitigation tool towards small uncertainties. To this goal, the mitigation tool will be tested by either focusing on the densest areas, or by removing from the problem the most constrained aircraft, that will have to be handle by different procedures.

WP5 – T5.1 this task aims as assessing the cost incurred by PARTAKE tools on airspace users, and compare those costs to the current situation. This comparison relies on delay cost and fuel cost assessments based on literature and simulations with air traffic controllers. T5.2 The Constraint Programming model from WP4 will be enhanced to tackle with multiobjective optimization.
WP6 – T6.2 this task includes a set of validation tasks. First, it is carried out fast simulation exercises, that compare baseline situations (w/o PARTAKE) with ideal PARTAKE scenarios in order to demonstrate the features, flexibility and capabilities of the software developed. Secondly, it is carried out a main simulation exercise considering the human-in-the-loop and the most relevant uncertainties detected during the project development.

WP7 – addresses the communication, dissemination and exploitation issues of the project. T7.1 concerns the dissemination and communication strategy. T7.2 focused on the maintenance of the project website. T7.3 planning of dissemination events for awareness raising. T7.4 Exploitation Activities focus on defining a common path to exploits the most relevant outcomes beyond the project lifetime. The exploitation plan is based on analysis of the market and the project results.

WP8 – The PM guaranteed an efficient and pro-active coordination of the project by administration, organization, and monitoring of the administrative and financial components of the project.

WP9 – Constant compliance with the 'ethics requirements' was ensured based on the guidelines developed in D9.1,9.2 and 9.3.

Summary of achieved main results:
- PARTAKE toolchain can be made robust towards many sources of uncertainties by using it within a feedback loop that captures the dynamic evolution of the traffic.
- Engagement of ATC’s and pilots in a simulation exercise to identify the main enablers and barriers for PARTAKE acceptability.
- Review, implementation and test of many search strategies to enhance the computational performance of the mitigation module.
-Validation exercises have been organized, set-up and performed at the Aerospace Integration Research Centre (AIRC) at Cranfield University.
- Planning, organization and execution of the final PARTAKE close-out meeting at SJU
- Maintenance of the Project Website ( involvement of the Advisory Board and establishment of a Newsletter and organization of the proof-of-concept workshop with the stakeholders.
- Project Management guidance and ethics requirements assurance, especially in the validation exercises.

A detailed description of the exploitation and dissemination activities can be found in D8.2.
It is expected that PARTAKE operational frame produces and supports the following impacts:
- STAM to maximize the efficient use of airspace.
- TBO flexible synchronization mechanism to preserve both ATFM constraints and AU’s preferences.
- Reduction of the probability of separation minima infringement
- Competitive ATM Network Services
- Baseline for a Multi-Sector Planner mechanism
- Optimization model for a fine-tuning management of airspace resources
- Baseline for U2-space initial services in Flight Planning management and tactical geofencing.