Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TOFNITW (Transformation of Family Norms in a Transnational World: How LGBT Migrants can Affect Change through Social Remittances)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-02-01 do 2019-01-31
In the second stage of the project, the research focus shifted to LGB migrants’ family members and close friends still residing in CEE communities in which same-sex marriage was not possible and same-sex families often faced great difficulties in achieving societal and legal recognition and protection of their families. The goal of the second stage was to examine how intercultural contact between LGB transnational migrants living in same-sex families and their family members and friends in CEE home communities exposes tensions between various family models and underlies transformations of traditional family practices. The research objective underlying this goal focused on the identification of possible changes and shifts in family members and friends’ values and opinions on same-sex families and normative models of family in general. With this, the project sought to enhance understanding of how intercultural contact and bottom-up exposure to new institutional family models might change perceptions of what is imaginable and thus possibly serve to initiate a long-term socio-cultural change.
The main results of this projects, targeting general audience, are published in a booklet available both in print and in electronic form, and in eight languages. This booklet also contains comics based on the interview excerpts that were disseminated through Facebook and Twitter. Academic output includes two completed scientific articles (one already available as OnlineFirst publication and one forthcoming in September 2019), and two articles under preparation. Results were further disseminated through four international academic conferences and an invited workshop for academic participants. Targeting stakeholders and general audience, the projects’ results were further presented in an invited talk at the Rainbow Families Conference, at the stakeholders’ seminar which the fellow co-organized with the Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations (NELFA) and Homoparentalité, Belgian rainbow families’ association, and at the public lecture organized by the Croatian Sociological Association. Finally, during the duration of the project, the fellow has also organized a well-attended international academic conference on families and sexualities in Europe.