report on the Phase 3 tendering process Final ranking list of the selected projects final scores and qualitative assessment per evaluation criterion for each received bid minutes of evaluation meeting Information on the total number of bids received in particular the data on the winning tenderers and abstracts of the winning tenders in a format specified by the EC for publication and evaluation purposes Info on results achieved in previous PCP phase Assessment by buyers group of the results achieved by each participating tenderer in the PCP phase 2
Open market consultations and EU-level meet-the-market events reportproceedings of the Open Market Consultation events
Phase 1 Evaluation of submissions and contracts awardreport on the Phase 1 tendering process : * Final ranking list of the selected projects, final scores and qualitative assessment per evaluation criterion for each received bid, minutes of evaluation meeting * Information on the total number of bids received, in particular the data on the winning tenderer(s) and abstracts of the winning tenders, in a format specified by the EC, for publication and evaluation purposes
Recommendations on standardisationReport by the Standardisation Working Group SMARTMETSWG together with a selection of TAC members and possible guests experts from EU research for examining standardisation issues
Final Evaluation ReportThis report will include extracting feedback from buyers and end user on proposals throughout the PCP process through adhoc testing sessions Secondary this task will gather also in vendors evaluation A third part will concern the comparative assessment and validation of pros and cons as well as of performances of the innovative solutions resulting from PCP by the beneficiariesThis includes From suppliers info on each project and contractor financed by the procurement and its achievements in a format specified by the EC for publication and evaluation purposes From buyers an assessment by the buyers group based on the validation of solutions by the buyers group of the final results of each participating tenderer in terms of achieving the performance and functionality requirements of the initial tender specifications Demonstration to the EC and project review team of the test products resulting from the RD
Final report: dissemination activities, capacity building & web maintenanceFinal report on dissemination activities description of training activities performed during the project
Recommendations on InteroperabilityReport by the Standardisation Working Group SMARTMETSWG together with a selection of TAC members and possible guests experts from EU research for examining interoperability issues
Challenge brief and description of uncovered functionalitiesReport on the smart metering needs by the utilities, and the uncovered technological solutions, thanks to the brainstorming sessions and a prior patent search
Phase 2 Evaluation of submissions and contracts awardreport on the Phase 2 tendering process : * Final ranking list of the selected projects, final scores and qualitative assessment per evaluation criterion for each received bid, minutes of evaluation meeting * Information on the total number of bids received, in particular the data on the winning tenderer(s) and abstracts of the winning tenders, in a format specified by the EC, for publication and evaluation purposes - Info on results achieved in previous PCP phase: * Assessment by buyers group of the results achieved by each participating tenderer in the previous PCP phase
Definition of the Contract/Prior Information NoticeA Contractual/Prior Information Notice (PIN) will be published at the Official journal of the European Union (OJEU) to pre-inform suppliers about the planned procurement and to invite them to open market consultation, at least 30 days before publishing the invitation to tender notice
Recommendations on Interoperability and standardisation - intermediaite reportDraft recommendations after the prototyping phase
Invitation To Tender notice and Q&A publicationPack of tender documents • PCP Contract Notice • PCP Call for tenders (also called Invitation to Tender or Tender Regulation) & need specification • PCP Framework Agreement and Annexes • PCP Phase 1 Specific Contract • The PCP Tender template The call-off packages for phase 2 and 3 of a PCP procurement includes several key documents: • PCP Request for offers/Invitation to tender for the call-off for Phase 2 respectively Phase 3 • PCP Phase 2/3 Specific Contract • PCP Phase 2/3 Tender templates.
The website is aimed at presenting the project, but also at communicating with technology suppliers, vendors and other utilities (information on the Open Market Consultation and the tenders)
Communication material (brochure, roll-up, leaflet, poster…)The brochures will provide interested stakeholders and key actors with a snapshot of the project, facilitating a fast understanding of the project. The digital format will be made available at the project website for download as well. The brochures will be accompanied with leaflets when suitable during the project. Different poster or roll-up will be also produced for internal and external events
Proceedings of the final event of the projectRecommendations to develop PCP in the water sector
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