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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

European Network of Regions On SustainablE WOOD mobilisation


ROSEWOOD is designed to develop regional networks that will connect actors of the wood mobilization value-chain from forest owners to relevant regional authorities but also forestry industry to cover and find answers to the main challenges in the field, especially the sustainability of the wood mobilization. Through the sharing of technological and non-technological innovations, best practice cases and RDI results, this multi-actor approach will close knowledge gaps and create new opportunities for economic partnerships between stakeholders and (inter)regional authorities. ROSEWOOD‘s focus on the transfer of know-how and information will enable and support foresters and regional authorities to exploit innovations and best-practices and facilitate the capture of grass root ideas for forestry development. ROSEWOOD will also provide practitioners with development skills (educational and entrepreneurial) and facilitate organizational innovations leading to novel exploitation chains through the development of a coaching methodology facilitating the uptake of new ideas and best practices. In addition, ROSEWOOD will explore the possible synergies between R&I investment and European Structural and Investment Funds to support the uptake of innovations within the value chain. These actions will contribute to an economically viable and sustainable development in forestry and in rural areas towards the enhancement of an EU Bioeconomy.
ROSEWOOD‘s co-ordination and support actions will be implemented via Wood Mobilization Regional Hubs located within 4 communities across Europe providing greater opportunities for forestry to align its activities with local and regional development plans.

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€ 249 750,00
70176 Stuttgart

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Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart Stuttgart, Stadtkreis
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€ 249 750,00

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