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DANTE: Digital Alarm Network and Tracking Equipment for forest fire detection

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DANTE (DANTE: Digital Alarm Network and Tracking Equipment for forest fire detection)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-02-01 do 2018-07-31

Over the last decade, more than 100,000 fires and around 400 million burnt hectares have been reported each year, affecting 5.8 million people around the world with a total economic cost in the region of 55 billion Euros. The last 18 months were the most destructive in the history of California, Greece, British Columbia, Portugal and Chile among others. But current methods of fire detection and prevention are deficient in key respects. Fire managers are asking for innovative solutions that are more reliable and cost effective.

The conclusions of this feasibility study are positive, concluding that the project shall continue. AD TELECOM has the objective to grow, internationalise and accelerate its full green growth potential through a nature-based sustainable solution. The project is expected to generate a recurring revenue model providing an end-to-end subscription service for the customers that improves current fire management systems and saves money to end-users.
AD TELECOM has demonstrated the technology described in the proposal in a relevant environment, including the development of a series of prototypes. This has drawn interest from potential clients and intended end-users. Within the final period of this feasibility study, the company has consolidated the business plan of DANTE and reached the following results:
- Geo-political and market research in the most relevant targeted countries
- Technical reassessment and feedback from potential customers
- Endorsement of intermediaries and third parties
- Commercial plan reassessment
DANTE is an early warning system which features advanced methods to report and manage operations to help rapidly extinguish a fire. The fire is detected by DANTE’s image processing algorithms and an alarm is sent remotely to the control room within seconds of the blaze starting. DANTE goes further by providing all critical information required for an effective extinction operation. Regarding the impact of the project, DANTE is expected to reduce the time of response and the cost of operation.

In parallel to the feasibility study, DANTE has been considered by the European Commission and the European Space Agency as the most innovative solution of the year for Disaster Management (Copernicus Masters award) and the best solution in Catalonia using satellite navigation (ESNC), which has enlarged the network of collaborators, end-users and attracted the interest of the media.