Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Pavnext (NextGen Road Safety for smarter cities)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-02-01 do 2018-07-31
Pavnext is a technology-based company that promotes safer, smarter and more sustainable cities through the solutions provided by its proprietary technology. We are developing a smart pavement device, that consists of an equipment to implement in the road pavement surface of speed reduction areas where vehicles needs to dissipate energy to reduce their speeds, that is able to harvest vehicles' kinetic energy and, with a very high conversion efficiency, converts it into electrical energy, which can be injected into the grid or used locally in electrical applications as road illumination or traffic light signs, being more relevant if connected to the urban micro grids. It is adapted to smart cities by collecting data and providing information about traffic and energy, supporting road safety and optimizing the energy consumption of the place in real time.