CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Peroxisome Interactions and Communication


Ein genauerer Blick auf die therapeutischen Funktionen von Peroxisomen

Peroxisome sind winzige membranumschlossene Organellen. Sie beinhalten Enzyme, die in einem breiten Spektrum von Stoffwechselreaktionen einschließlich verschiedener Aspekte des Energiestoffwechsels aktiv sind. Neuere Studien haben offengelegt, dass das Peroxisom auch als intrazelluläres Signalkompartiment und als Organisationsplattform fungieren kann, die sehr wichtige Entwicklungsentscheidungen aus dem Inneren der Zelle heraus trifft. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt PERICO wird bahnbrechende multidisziplinäre Forschungsarbeiten durchführen, die sich auf die Interaktion und Kommunikation von Peroxisomen konzentrieren. So werden 15 Nachwuchsforschende eine Weiterbildung erhalten, die ihnen hervorragende, übertragbare Kompetenzen vermittelt, die sie in die Lage versetzen werden, neue Therapien und Wirkstoffe für jene im Zunehmen begriffenen Krankheiten zu entwickeln, die mit Peroxisomen im Zusammenhang stehen.


PERICO fosters education of ESRs in a project to uncover how a central metabolic organelle, the peroxisome, participates in controlling cellular metabolism. It trains 15 ESRs at world-leading academic institutions, including university hospitals, and companies, thus forming strong interdisciplinary links between industry, life and medical sciences, and end-users.

PERICO aims to train a new generation of highly qualified ESRs with entrepreneurial competencies in modern Life Sciences through state-of-the-art research projects focusing on the communication between peroxisomes and the rest of the cell – required to enable optimal metabolic decisions - and to use this knowledge to develop novel leads for drug discovery and therapies for a growing list of serious human diseases in which peroxisomes have been implicated.

The new field on organelle communication requires highly skilled scientists who have expert knowledge on more than one discipline (e.g. cell biology, biochemistry, systems biology and medical sciences), more than one type of cell organelle or more than one model organism to optimally translate their research data to other disciplines and sectors, including medicine.

PERICO overcomes current barriers by establishing a strong, multidisciplinary and inter-sectoral training network, developing technologies tailored to solve key questions in organelle biology. The PERICO programme will exploit recent developments in high throughput and genome wide screening technologies, combine these with modern molecular cell biology and systems biology and ultimately translate the data into new leads for drug discovery and therapy. This specific cross-disciplinary training program will educate young scientists to a next level, which is needed to advance this research field for the upcoming decennium and to efficiently translate findings into applications. The training programme will be complemented with a complete set of transferable skills.


€ 656 671,37
Broerstraat 5
9712CP Groningen

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Noord-Nederland Groningen Overig Groningen
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 656 671,37

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Partner (5)