Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SoildiverAgro (Soil biodiversity enhancement in European agroecosystems to promote their stability and resilience by external inputs reduction and crop performance increase)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-06-01 do 2023-11-30
WP2 has been completed. Data mining and decision making through a participatory process within a multi-actor approach has been developed (using surveys, discussion groups and regional workshops). There was an effective compilation of data from previous and ongoing projects and databases and posterior meta-analysis to efficiently tailor the management practices and cropping systems contributing to both, solve end-user needs and increase soil biodiversity. With this information an e-book was published (in English and Spanish), and a set of different management practices and cropping systems were defined, and considered as a baseline to develop a participatory process with stakeholders and end-users by means of development of surveys, discussion groups and regional workshops for each case study.
The main objective of WP3 is to determine the status of the soil biodiversity across the major European pedoclimatic regions in relation to climate conditions, soil characteristics, cropping and management systems. T3.1 is finalised: 188 bulk soil samples, 940 soil bulk density samples, 564 earthworm samples and 92 wheat grain samples were taken in 9 pedoclimatic regions. Task 3.2 concerning setting a consortium-wide methods implementation plan for sampling, data gathering and data analysis, finished but continuously updated. In order to standardise the procedures and protocols for sampling and data gathering, to eventually make the results comparable and meaningful, a WP3 Handbook was issued. Tasks 3.3 and 3.4 regarding measurements of soil physicochemical analyses and biodiversity assessment, respectively, finished, and Task 3.5 regarding data analyses and relationships between soil characteristics, climate conditions and soil biodiversity is still ongoing.
The main objective of WP4 is to develop three sensitive and representative methods for the analysis of soil microbial and faunal diversity, to facilitate the evaluation and monitoring of soil biodiversity levels. WP4 has been developed according to the original plan described in the DoA (Annex 1). Task 4.3 regarding optimization of IR spectroscopy method for the chemometrical analysis of soil samples to predict soil biological groups and biodiversity, present very promising results and we decided to improve the models using data from WP5.
Regarding WP5, the 15 case studies (CS) have finished their field experiments in the selected farms from 6 pedoclimatic regions. Field experiments have been established to test different management practices for wheat, potatoes and vegetables. Soil characterization is ongoing. Sampling procedures and protocols for sample analyses in WP5 are described in detail in deliverable D5.1. Handbook on WP5 setting up. FYNECO and Symbiom have developed a series of stable and high added value formulations/products based on beneficial microorganisms capable of increasing soil quality and fertility while minimizing the incidence of soil-borne diseases.
WP6 started in month 12. The common integrated framework was finished, and linked deliverable submitted (D6.1) on M25 (5 months of delay). Task 6.2 and Task 6.3 are currently ongoing.
WP7 was started. We are currently working on the methodological discussion for win-win management alternatives selection, the Decision Support Tool basis analyses and the analyses of relevant EU and regional policies. With data provided by WP5 and WP6 during RP4 this WP7 will concentrate and important amount of work to deliver best agricultural practices guidelines, and recommendations for policy updates.
In WP8, Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation and Stakeholders engagement, we made the communication and dissemination plan with the corporative SoildiverAgro image, created and continuously updated SoildiverAgro website in different languages with different news, contents and profiles in social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube).
1. Expand the agro-ecological knowledge base on the links and dynamics between biodiversity and agricultural production
2. Deliver best practices based on production systems (both conventional and organic) that combine support for biodiversity with value creation
3. Results in improved methods and tools to assess, evaluate and monitor different levels of diversity (genetic, species and ecosystem) as well as the linkages between agro-biodiversity and ecosystem services
4. Define operational biodiversity targets from the field to regional level
5. Deliver strategies and tools for biodiversity focused soil management
6. Reduce the dependence on external inputs in plant management through effective plant-soil interactions and the use of soil organisms