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RObot enhanced SenSing, INtelligence and actuation to Improve job quality in manufacturing

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ROSSINI (RObot enhanced SenSing, INtelligence and actuation to Improve job quality in manufacturing)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-04-01 do 2022-03-31

The ROSSINI project aims to develop a disruptive, inherently safe hardware software platform for the design and deployment of human-robot collaboration (HRC) applications in manufacturing. By combining innovative sensors, actuation and control technologies (developed by world market leaders in their field), and integrating them in an open development environment, the ROSSINI platform will deliver a set of tools which enable the spread of HRC applications where robots and humans operators will become members of the same team, increasing job quality, production flexibility and productivity.
The project progress and main results for each work package are described in the following paragraph:
• WP1 has been finished on due time in the first reporting period, touching all the aspects related to Ethics.
• WP2 and its deliverables were finished on time in the first reporting period. The state of the arts analysis, the platform requirements and the use case design are the base documents for the project.
• In WP3, a set of sensors based on 2D and 3D technologies was developed. This allowed the release of a new 3D vision system, a new safe laser scanner cluster, a radar sensor and a sensitive robot skin, to detect the presence of a human in hazardous areas. An emerging bus to exchange data between safety-rated components, and a processing unit as part of the RS4 System, have also been developed.
• In WP4, the following items have been developed: a Sematic scene map, that builds a representation of the world and a human skeletonization used to control the collaborative robot. A cognitive layer, implementing task assignment and dynamic scheduling for a collaborative cell. A dynamic planner, to find the most efficient and safe trajectory for the robot. A safety layer, to integrate the safety constraints into the motion planner. Finally, an integrated control architecture was built to maximize the performance of the robot while guaranteeing safety.
• In WP5, a new collaborative by birth robot was completed and integrated in the use cases. It features a safe controlling unit and firmware algorithms, a joint solution with increased position accuracy, sensibility and safety, and enhanced joint braking speed. A finite element simulation analysis for optimizing links and joint weights, and a modular structure thanks to full electronics and sensorics embedded within the joints.
• WP6 was concluded in the second reporting period. The software model of a tool for flexible assignment of tasks was developed, to ensure job quality. The ROSSINI communication hub was developed, for managing human robot communication.
• In WP7, the focus was on the integration of all the ROSSINI components. The ROSSINI platform was defined and the specifications of all the components and subsystems were detailed.
• The WP8 activities led to a successful integration and validation of the ROSSINI components in 3 use cases: Domestic Appliances Assembly (WHIRLPOOL), Electronic Components Production (SCHINDLER), Food Products Packaging (IMA).
• WP9 aims at defining all the aspects related to impact enhancement. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the dissemination activities initially planned. To mitigate this situation more emphasis was given to the use of audio-visual material and on-line events for the communication and dissemination of ROSSINI. The public project website, and social media accounts (LinkedIn and Twitter) were constantly updated with project progresses and results. The Data Management Plan was updated. The exploitation has been carried out through the organization of different interactive workshops, focused on SWOT analysis, Buyer Personas analysis, Business Model Canvas, in order to characterize all the features of the ROSSINI results. A standardization roadmap was defined, with participation in working groups to actively contribute to standardization activities.
• The tasks of the WP10 include Project Coordination, Technical Project management and Risk and Quality management. The performed activities and the achieved results are related to the continuous administrative and financial monitoring, the periodic reporting, the management of meetings of the Steering Committee, General Assemblies and Technical Call, the submission of Grant Agreement amendments, the refinement and definition of tools and procedures, the project KPI formalization, and the project risks periodic monitoring.
The innovations of the ROSSINI project have been evaluated and summarized for the Horizon 2020 Innovation Radar. 16 Innovations beyond the state of the art have been identified. For example, in WP3 a very innovative new 3D safety camera was be developed, along with a new innovative safety system for collaborative robots using multiple sensing technologies. All sensor developments are done to achieve a higher performance for smart and safe sensor system for human and robot detection & tracking and to reach the ROSSINI goal of a quicker safety sensor response time by 70% compared to the state of the art.
A novel, very innovative rated, safety control architecture for collaborative robotic cells will allow to treat safety as a constraint. Human factors are explicitly considered (WP4).
In WP5 an innovative, collaborative by birth robot manipulator, with the goal to increase the working speed by 45%, when collaborating with humans was developed.
Another aim of ROSSINI is to increase job quality by 15%. To achieve this goal, the measurement methods for job quality have been defined in WP6.
A new concept for the calculation of the transient contact is developed in WP7. This will have a direct impact on faster and safer HRC-Robots and HRC applications, than the state of the art.
To achieve the goals of the project a risk framework has been established.

ROSSINI project’s expected impacts primarily address the goals of the H2020-FoF-02-2018 call, which are listed below:
• Demonstrating the potential to bring back production to Europe
• 15% increase in OECD Job Quality Index through work environment and safety improvement
• 20% reduction in production reconfiguration time and cost
Project partners worked on the high performance HRC workcells that should trigger manufacturers’ investment in HRC technology, increasing European factories productivity and thus competitiveness versus low-cost manufacturers. The workcell should allow to redesign workplaces combining automation and lean manufacturing concept, with a drastic reduction of conversion cost, thus reducing the impact of labour cost in Europe. Work package 6 was fully dedicated to the development of the Human Layer of the Human Robot Collaborative platform. ROSSINI uses a three-level approach to develop OECD related metrics and evaluation tools: a Design Level, an Adaptive Level and a Communication Level. Safety Aware Control Architecture, Human-Robot Mutual Understanding Framework, Integration and Validation Layer and Design tool for easy reconfiguration of the HRC workcell are the elements on which the partners worked that respond to rapid changes in production needs in a cost-effective way.
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