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Children and Transnational Popular Print, 1700-1900

Opis projektu

Pierwsze systematyczne badania nad wczesnonowożytną literaturą popularną dla dzieci w Europie

Mimo że historycy zajmują się zarówno literaturą popularną, jak i dziecięcą, brak jest systematycznych badań nad wzajemnym przenikaniem się tych dwóch form twórczości kulturowej. Zespół finansowanego ze środków UE projektu CaTPoP proponuje pierwsze metodologiczne badanie europejskiej literatury popularnej dla dzieci z lat 1700–1900. Celem projektu jest wskazanie, w jakim stopniu dzieła popularne docierały do młodych ludzi oraz przedstawienie pełnego opisu różnych form, które tworzono z myślą o dzieciach. Stosując podejście ponadnarodowe, śledzące ciągłości i przełomy geograficzne i czasowe, zespół projektu CaTPoP postara się ocenić, czy w tym okresie istniała wspólna ogólnoeuropejska kultura dzieł drukowanych dla dzieci.


Both popular and children’s literature have increasingly been understood as important elements of the pre-modern history of print. Exciting research is being undertaken in both fields. Yet systematic research on the crossover between these two forms of cultural production has not been undertaken. The extent, diversity and significance of children’s popular print remains largely unknown.
CaTPoP will be the first project to methodically examine European children’s popular print, 1700-1900. An ambitious programme of fieldwork will provide the first overview of cheap, ephemeral print that was either produced specifically for children and young people, or that was used predominantly by them. The aim is to establish the extent to which popular print reached young people, and to give a full account of the different forms that were produced with children as a target audience. These will include educational books (eg. ABCs, almanacs, catechisms...) and more imaginative, and attractively illustrated works, including penny prints, ballads, chapbooks and romances. Despite linguistic, cultural and confessional differences, it is clear that some formats and titles appeared across Europe, and CaTPoP will take a transnational approach, tracing geographical (and temporal) continuities, and fractures. The aim is to assess whether a shared print culture existed for children across Europe.
CaTPoP will not only advance scholarly understandings (print history; children’s literature), but will support the curation of cultural heritage. Secondments in different countries and sectors (a museum, a library, a university) will raise awareness and expertise among professionals, and support the communication of findings to a general audience, both online and through events and a touring exhibition. CaTPoP will enhance the principal researcher’s skills, as well as the host venues’ capabilities. It aims to recover a significant part of print culture that has been for too long overlooked.

System finansowania

MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF


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€ 212 933,76
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€ 212 933,76