Descrizione del progetto
Nuovo strumento di legame multi-RNA per potenziare la ricerca in biologia sintetica
In un modo tipo a serratura con chiave, le proteine leganti l’RNA legano l’RNA a uno o più domini leganti l’RNA per modulare l’espressione genica alterando l’elaborazione e la traduzione dell’RNA. Centinaia di «chiavi» sono state scoperte nel corso degli anni e recenti studi ne hanno rivelate ancora di più. Caratterizzare la loro interazione e le conseguenti implicazioni biologiche è un’enorme area di ricerca che dovrebbe rivelare strutture e funzioni precedentemente non identificate per numerose applicazioni. CARBP sta supportando tale sforzo con un software per progettare in modo rapido e intelligente domini leganti l’RNA e creare librerie di DNA sintetico. Il software farà parte di una suite di strumenti basati sul web che potrebbero aumentare enormemente il tasso di scoperta, la profondità di comprensione e l’utilità finale di nuove molecole implicate nell’espressione genica.
DNA synthesis technology has greatly developed over recent years, serving a growing multi-billion synthetic DNA market. Synthetic DNA is used in projects that optimize reagents, chemicals, crops and other organisms, in projects seeking to increase the manufacturing efficiency for the above, as well as in studies of molecular regulation and other cellular processes. The latter is the focus of the MRG-GRammar H2020 FET project.
As the market and application range for synthetic DNA expand a need arises to test and quality control raw synthetic nucleic acids as well as products built upon such reagents. We have developed a prototype software tool for assessing quality parameters in synthetic DNA libraries and used it in several projects in the framework of MRG-GRammar
We propose to productize this prototype into a stable version that will be availed to a broader synthetic biology community. Our proposed product, CARBP, is a software system that enables design of RNA binding protein binding sites cassettes for various applications in biological imaging and synthetic biology. Requested funding will be used to improve usability and user interface, to expand the implementation of analysis and statistical tools, to produce a stable version available to the scientific community and to commercial entities and, finally, to investigate potential sustainable mechanisms for supporting continued service, including commercial or service models. CARBP will form part of a suite of interactive web-based tools whose purpose will be to accelerate the development of the nascent synthetic biology industry sector, by making advanced molecular technologies available to various users at a push of a button.
Campo scientifico
- natural sciencesbiological sciencesbiochemistrybiomoleculesnucleic acids
- natural sciencesbiological sciencessynthetic biology
- natural sciencesbiological sciencesgeneticsDNA
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencessoftwaresoftware applicationssystem software
- natural sciencesbiological sciencesbiochemistrybiomoleculesproteins
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Meccanismo di finanziamento
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinatore
32000 Haifa