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The first ingestible capsule for eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection through photodynamic therapy

Opis projektu

Fotoaktywowana kapsułka doustna do walki z rakiem żołądka

W 2005 roku odkryto, że niemal wszystkie przypadki choroby wrzodowej wywołuje nieznany wcześniej gatunek bakterii – Helicobacter pylori. Autorzy odkrycia otrzymali Nagrodę Nobla w dziedzinie fizjologii lub medycy w tym samym roku. Dziś wiadomo, że bakteria ta odpowiada także za większość raków żołądka i że bardzo trudno zwalczyć ją za pomocą antybiotyków. Zespół finansowanego ze środków UE projektu Capsulight wspiera włoską firmę z sektora MŚP, PROBIOMEDICA, w opracowaniu pionierskiej, chronionej patentem metody leczenia opartej na wykorzystaniu fotoaktywowanej kapsułki doustnej. Wstępne wyniki wskazują, że charakteryzuje się ona prawie 100-procentową skutecznością w zabijaniu wspomnianej bakterii. Dla porównania: skuteczność antybiotyków wynosi 70 %. Jak widać, metoda ta może być rozwiązaniem, które powstrzyma rozwój raka żołądka.


Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium of the stomach which affects on average 50% of the world population, reaching up to 70% in some European Countries. Once it is diagnosed, it has to be eradicated, since it is a carcinogen agent and around 90% of all gastric cancers can be attributable to its infection. The only available treatment is a pharmacological therapy based on the assumption of proton-pump inhibitor and a mix of 2-3 antibiotic drugs. Unfortunately, due to increasing antibiotic resistance, up to 30% of the affected population cannot be cured, despite several cycles of antibiotic therapy and usually endoscopic biopsy to determine antibiotic-resistance. Probiomedica is a spin-off of the University of Florence and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna specialized in photobiology and robotics applied to medicine, which has developed and patented CapsuLight, the first ingestible capsule able to eradicate H. Pylori infection through intragastric photodynamic therapy, that is through the power of light. The device is based on the established technology and safety of endoscopic capsules for diagnostic use, and our preliminary in vitro tests showed 97% efficacy in killing the bacterium. The advantages for infected population are unparalleled: the possibility to eradicate the bacterium for those who cannot be cured due to antibiotic resistance (our first target market); the higher efficacy rate, no side effects due to antibiotic cycles, and easy posology for all the infected population (secondary market). CapsuLight will also provide high economic savings to National Healthcare Systems, by reducing drug therapies cycles and endoscopic biopsies and related costs for hospitalization. Probiomedica has already presented the product to several gastroenterology and microbiology centers and will optimize the capsule design for further miniaturization and mass production, and to undergo the necessary clinical validation for getting the CE mark during the Phase 2 project.

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€ 50 000,00

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Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Koszt całkowity
€ 71 429,00