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A Social Manufacturing Framework for Streamlined Multi-stakeholder Open Innovation Missions in Consumer Goods Sectors

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - iPRODUCE (A Social Manufacturing Framework for Streamlined Multi-stakeholder Open Innovation Missions in Consumer Goods Sectors)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-01-01 do 2021-06-30

Democratized innovation holds undeniable promise for European producers, but the integration with corporate innovation practices is in its infancy, and is still neither easy or efficient for producers – especially SMEs- to benefit from collaborative production. The iPRODUCE project takes proven concepts and approaches (DIY manufacturing, FabLabs, Makerspaces), and aims to upscale and to install them in well-connected multi-stakeholder ecosystems under an umbrella concept of collaborative Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities (cMDF).
Work is developed under a social-manufacturing platform that enables multi-stakeholder interactions to support user-driven open-innovation and co-creation. At the heart of the iPRODUCE platform is an open digital space supported by a set of innovative tools that cover matchmaking, secure interactions, generative product design, process orchestration, agile prototyping, usability evaluations, etc. plus a strong social component that aims at easing the engagement with makers and aim to open up to new segments.
The iPRODUCE platform will be deployed in six local ‘ecosystems’ which cover different levels of maturity with collaborative production, diverse objectives and application areas spanning from home furnishing, automotive/mobility, consumer photography, medical ecquipment and more. The platform supports knowledge and resource sharing across cMDFs and all our results will be monitored and evaluated.

1.- To define a social manufacturing framework (SMF) for the collaborative design, engineering and manufacturing of consumer goods by engaging manufacturers, makers and consumers (MMCs) in relevant open innovation (OI) challenges.
2.- To create and establish local Collaborative Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities (cMDF) by interconnecting and enriching existing micro-manufacturing facilities. Local stakeholders will join that facilities.
3.- To develop and deploy a digital platform that will facilitate the activities of the local cMDFs and will allow them to operate independently (at local level) under a federated organizational structure (at European level)
4.- To develop and deploy a set of digital tools that will stimulate co-creation and open innovation in the consumer goods sectors, etc.
5.- To introduce social media-driven consumer and makers engagement strategies
6.- To devise novel sharing economy business models and IPR management strategies and tools to simplify and automate multi-stakeholder interactions. (business models for shorter time to market product engineering; novel IPR management and contracting approaches)
7.- To integrate the social manufacturing framework, the digital platform and the digital tools into a social manufacturing space
8.- To demonstrate the proposed social manufacturing space through pilot cMDFs and open innovation missions in 4 consumer goods subsectors
During this first period (M1-M18), iPRODUCE has developed the grounds for the implementation of its social manufacturing framework, based on three main achievements
• Setup of the local collaborative Demonstration facilities (cMDFs) comprising the manufacturing and service structure, and the related communities -cMDF networks- of stakeholders with the governance principles that can be applied as well as their use case scenarios. An advance of the Federation of the local cMDFs is also defined.
• Setup of the iPRODUCE Open Innovation Space (OpIS) Architecture and the approach of handling heterogeneous data in agile collaborative environments based on the EU-wide insights (specifications, needs and requirements) gained through pilot-level surveys and main stakeholder groups across Europe. Also, established and evaluation methodology of the OpIS software components from a user point of view, based on the KPIs of the 16 use cases defined.
• Development of the OpIS platform software components (OpIS Data Repository, VR/AR Toolkit, IPR Authoring Toolkit, Marketplace, Generative Design Platform, Matchmaking and Agile Network Creation Tool, Agile Data Analytics, Mobile App, Digital Fablab Kit) has been finalised and all components are ready with functional versions for demonstration. Initial operating versions for integration of those components in a unified framework (OpIS platform) have been presented.
These achievements respectively support to the threefold aim of the iPRODUCE concept:
• To bring closer Manufacturers, Makers and Consumer communities (MMCs) at local level;
• To engage them into joint co-creation challenges for the manufacturing of new consumer products and the introduction of novel engineering and production (eco) systems; and,
• To fuse practices, methods and tools that both makers and manufacturing companies (SMEs specifically) are employing.
The iPRODUCE project will improve and upscale the capitalization on maker approaches by advancing on strategies for agile methodologies and by applying novel technologies and tool approaches to cMDFs.

Its software platform will link the physical world (micro-manufacturing facilities, research infrastructures, makers-spaces) with virtual solutions that facilitate and stimulate the adoption of co-creation and social manufacturing methodologies and approaches.
iPRODUCE will research a socio-technical approach as the mechanism to actively involve a large group of diverse stakeholders (i.e. makers and consumers) in the process of products’ inception, design, and manufacturing, introducing social innovation, Digital Social Innovation (DSI) and semantic technology tools and methods.
In terms of tools, the iPRODUCE platform will apply innnovative elements such as Generative Design techniques and AR/VR technologies to support interactions throughout design thinking process: empathise (share a common understanding of the problem), define, ideate, prototype, and test. iPRODUCE will also provide Fablabs with a toolset for effectively documenting lessons learned and best practices.
Interaction within the value chain will be applied by means of Smart Contracting. IPR management strategies will be broken down into standardised rules and provisions in natural language; then a set of configurable standard contract templates will be created and each provision will be translated into the respective code for the smart contracts. An authoring tool will allow non-expert use.

The expected impacts include:
1. A novel social manufacturing framework, together with all the necessary methods, strategies and tools.
2. Novel business models and business-like methods that support collaborative production.
3. Our digital open innovation platform and the cMDFs are designed to offer a strong interactive value co-creation environment.
4. Integration: Communities will be able to design and develop attractive and tailor-made products at an industrial-scale.
5. Involvement of citizens and consumers in the co-creation of knowledge and co-design of products.
6. Valuable novel knowledge and empirical evidence within the multi-disciplinary research domain of collaborative production.
7. Enhancement of participatory and sharing culture in society:
8. Contribution to social inclusion and access to the job market. iPRODUCE naturally integrates diversity in their open innovation networks for collaborative manufacturing by local entrepreneurship ecosystems.
Conceptual Approach of the iPRODUCE project
Sw components to be developed in iPRODUCE