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CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE

An innovative polymer particle used for textile dying which massively reduces water and energy consumption

Opis projektu

Nowa ekologiczna technologia barwienia tekstyliów

Przemysł włókienniczy jest jednym z największych trucicieli środowiska. Pochłania on ogromne ilości wody, rzędu nawet 1,6 miliarda litrów dziennie. Co więcej, aż 20 % zanieczyszczeń wody w przemyśle związanych jest z farbowaniem i obróbką tkanin. Finansowany przez UE projekt H2COLOR-AUX ma na celu dalszy rozwój technologii o nazwie H2COLOR AUX. Opracowana przez doświadczonych chemików technologia zapobiega hydrolizie podczas barwienia i pozwala ograniczyć ilość energii, czasu i środków chemicznych potrzebnych w tym procesie. Tym samym produkcja tekstyliów wzrośnie o 50 % przy niższych kosztach i nawet o 70 % mniejszym zużyciu wody.


The textile industry is a major contributor to global water consumption . In India alone, 1.6 billion litres of water are used daily
in the textile industry. Given that only 2.5% of the Earth’s water is freshwater and only 0.3% is accessible to humans, this is
clearly unsustainable and grossly wasteful. In addition, industrial manufacturing in the textile industry is responsible for 20%
of all water pollution making it the number one polluter of clean water after agriculture.
The dyeing process is the prime contributor to much of the water, time and energy consumption that takes place in the textile
industry. On average, 60-80 litres of water are needed to dye 1kg of cotton and 80% of the total energy and 65% of the
many environmentally hazardous chemicals produced in textile production are a result of the dyeing process. In addition,
dyeing is also by far the most time-consuming process involved.
Growing populations and consumer needs are demanding more efficient and faster production than ever. Our solution is an
auxiliary technology, H2COLOR AUX. A revolutionary system developed by expert chemists that prevents hydrolysis in the
dyeing process. This greatly reduces the amount of energy, chemicals and time required for dyeing textiles. A similar
technology is used in our H2COLOR pigments which have superior properties than alternatives, while being less toxic and
more environmentally sustainable. Upon
commercialisation, we will save the world billions of litres of water per day, eliminate a globally leading polluter, increase
textile production by 50%, and reduce costs for a multitude of industries.
Customers of Ecofoot will have access to a highly-efficient, affordable, and easy-to-use dye-auxiliary product that saves 70%
of the water, 80% of the energy, 50% of the process time, and 30-40% of the costs along the dyeing process. Customers
using our product increase the sustainability of the textile industry and promote green environment technology.

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Wkład UE netto
€ 50 000,00
4805-298 PONTE GMR

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Organizacja określiła się jako MŚP (firma z sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw) w czasie podpisania umowy o grant.

Continente Norte Ave
Rodzaj działalności
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Koszt całkowity
€ 71 429,00