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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Cloud-based Airport Operations Planning tool with holistic forecasting of airport allocation planning.

Descrizione del progetto

Una soluzione di IA per la gestione efficiente degli aeroporti

I viaggi aerei sono ogni anno in costante crescita e dovrebbero aumentare del 15 % entro il 2025. Tuttavia, il 40 % degli aeroporti dell’UE non è configurato per rispondere a tali esigenze. Una delle principali ragioni è rappresentata dagli elevati costi di costruzione di nuove infrastrutture. La gestione degli aeroporti è complessa e impegnativa, con operazioni che coinvolgono un’ampia gamma di parti interessate. Il progetto BA-AC, finanziato dall’UE, propone una soluzione di IA attraverso un approccio basato su cloud che consente agli operatori di creare piani efficienti e affidabili e alle parti interessate di accedere a informazioni importanti. La soluzione andrà a beneficio dell’intera catena del valore, dal check-in dei passeggeri e dal controllo delle frontiere all’assegnazione degli aeromobili, collegando tutte le aree operative in un unico sistema.


Airports are facing an increasing challenge of high sustained demand for passenger air travel, expected to increase by 15% by 2025. However, 40% of EU airports will not be able to meet this demand. A new aircraft stand (where aircraft are parked) has a cost between €5m and €15m, in addition to the cost of disruption while constructing. At the same time, operating an airport is a very complex task involving many stakeholders, making it difficult to identify options for increasing efficiencies. Better Airport® is the first cloud-based, holistic, Airport Operations Plan solution, providing airport operators with an AI-driven, easy-to-use solution which efficiently and effectively creates optimised operational plans, enabling informed decision making across airport stakeholders. Using advanced mathematical models and based on years of consultancy within airport operations, Better Airport® covers the entire value chain, from passenger check-in, security and border control to baggage handling and aircraft allocation. Our cloud-based approach allows all stakeholders to access information wherever, whenever, increasing efficiency across operations and ultimately saving airports at least €10m/year, while also driving the EU goal of a Single European Sky. Better Airport® will allow airport operators to forecast, plan and interact airports in between, connecting all airports with one system. The BA-AC project builds upon upscaling our validated prototype, most of our efforts will focus on technology maturation, piloting and market maturation, specifically on the maturation and integration of Better Aircraft, into Better Airport®, and perform large scale piloting at 3 major airports, advancing our current prototype from TRL7 to TRL 9. With a total market of 575 airports, we expect 5 years post project, to reach a market share of 17.8%, totalling 89 client airports, an annual recurring revenue of €20m, accumulated revenue of €65.78m creating 47 new full-time employee positions.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 153 900,88

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Danmark Hovedstaden Byen København
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 3 077 001,25