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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Understanding The Role of the defects to Accomplish high Performance and Stable Two Dimensional Devices

Descrizione del progetto

Studio delle implicazioni degli stati di difetto (trappola) su materiali 2D

I materiali bidimensionali (2D) hanno attirato una crescente attenzione nell’ultimo decennio. Con uno spessore ultrasottile che ha mostrato straordinarie proprietà ottiche, elettroniche e optoelettroniche, i materiali 2D vengono utilizzati nei semiconduttori. Rispetto ai tradizionali semiconduttori 3D, consentono una maggiore densità di integrazione. Il progetto TRAPS-2D, finanziato dall’UE, migliorerà le prestazioni dei materiali 2D attraverso l’ingegneria dei difetti. L’obiettivo è quello di risolvere le basse prestazioni e ottenere una co-integrazione tecnologica con semiconduttori a metallo ossido complementari (CMOS, Complementary-Metal-Oxide Semiconductor). TRAPS-2D condurrà uno studio sistematico delle implicazioni degli stati di difetto (trappola) sui materiali 2D. In definitiva, i risultati del progetto porteranno a un notevole miglioramento delle applicazioni elettroniche commerciali.


Dr. Marquez proposes a new approach to improve the performance of 2D materials: the defect-engineering. This approach aims to investigate the critical issue of defects implication on the 2D semiconductors operation to solve the low performance and to accomplish a future CMOS co-integration. Electrically activated interfaces, surface and oxide states have demonstrated not only to reduce the device performance but also making the device to behave in a determine operation. Surface defect have shown metal workfunction pinning and therefore formation of Schottky barriers at the contact-semiconductor interface. In addition, depending on the energy level these defect, they can contribute like donor or acceptor dopant or like generation-recombination (trap) centers. In this regard, the fabricated devices would operate differently, presenting n-type, ambipolar or p-type behavior and accumulation or inversion operation modes. Fast operating, normally-on or normally-of devices can be addressed controlling the defect implications. The understanding and control of these defect states and impurities in 2D semiconductor systems is an essential area of research, and the first step is to develop the metrology tools to accurately quantify defect densities and distributions gaining further insight into the possible origin of the defects states. “TRAPS-2D” is a proposal to systematical study of defect (trap) states implications on 2D materials. Its novelty resides in the control of these defects to force the fabricated devices to operate in a specific mode and therefore control their performance. Additionally, the proposal holds an important technological transfer aspect considering the co-integration of these 2D materials in the standard CMOS processes to open the doors to ultimate commercial electronic applications.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 165 666,88
18071 Granada

Mostra sulla mappa

Sur Andalucía Granada
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 165 666,88

Partner (1)