Opis projektu
Doskonałość badań słowackich
Aby poprawić jakość słowackich inicjatyw naukowo-badawczych, naukowcy z finansowanego przez UE projektu SASPRO 2 planują opracować program mobilności dla badaczy. Ten między- i wewnątrz sektorowy, wielo- i interdyscyplinarny program stworzy naukowcom możliwość prowadzenia badań w obszarze nauk technicznych i przyrodniczych, biologicznych, humanistycznych i społecznych. W ramach tego programu swoje siły połączą Słowacka Akademia Nauk, Uniwersytet Komeńskiego w Bratysławie oraz Słowacki Uniwersytet Techniczny w Bratysławie. Projekt SASPRO 2 ma pomóc w utworzeniu sieci współpracy międzynarodowej, budować i wzmacniać mosty między różnymi sektorami, a przede wszystkim wykształcić przyszłych liderów w dziedzinie badań naukowych.
In the proposed project, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), Comenius University in Bratislava (UK BA) and Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU BA) (together participating organisations) intend to build up mobility programme SASPRO 2 for outstanding researchers allowing them to work at their institutions/faculties. It is an extended continuation of the previous successful SASPRO Programme. The main objectives are to create optimal conditions for fellows to perform their research and boost their career as well as to enhance quality of Slovak science and research by increasing excellence of their organisations.
Fellows will freely choose from a wide spectrum of host organisations covering technical and natural sciences, life sciences as well as humanities and social sciences. Cross- and intersectoral, multi- and interdisciplinary and international aspects of the individual projects as well as training provided will be strongly emphasized.
Top scientists from abroad will be selected for fellowships; fellows will enrich research teams/organisations and they will contribute to raising the quality level of Slovak and European science and research. On the other hand, host/participating organisations will provide all tools for their career and personal development and ensure broadening and deepening of their scientific and non-scientific experience and skills.
The results of the programme realisation will be establishing a quality international cooperation network, building and strengthening the bridges between different sectors, finding new approaches to tackle with research topics, training future leading researchers that will transfer the knowledge further and by that strengthen the European science and research position in the world and reduce its fragmentation.
Słowa kluczowe
Zaproszenie do składania wniosków
Zobacz inne projekty w ramach tego zaproszeniaSystem finansowania
MSCA-COFUND - Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)Koordynator
814 38 Bratislava