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Digital Variance Angiography, a ground-breaking X-ray angiography innovation: dose management and quality enhancement by Kinepict Medical Imaging Tool

Opis projektu

Bezpieczniejsze narzędzie do obrazowania naczyń krwionośnych

Diagnostyka i monitorowanie chorób układu krążenia opiera się na angiografii – metodzie rentgenowskiego obrazowania naczyń krwionośnych. Technika ta może jednak wywoływać niekorzystne efekty uboczne u pacjentów i personelu przeprowadzającego badanie, takie jak wystąpienie nowotworu popromiennego. Pacjenci są ponadto narażeni na ryzyko uszkodzenia nerek. W ramach finansowanego ze środków UE projektu KMIT-ACC powstała nowatorska technologia obrazowania angiograficznego, która pozwala zwiększyć jakość obrazu i jednocześnie ograniczyć stosowaną dawkę promieniowania RTG oraz jodowego środka kontrastowego. Oczekuje się, że wdrożenie narzędzia do zarządzania dawką i przetwarzania obrazu KMIT-ACC w środowisku klinicznym pozwoli ograniczyć negatywne skutki tradycyjnej angiografii, co przyniesie istotne korzyści społeczno-ekonomiczne.


Cardiovascular disorders are the number one health problem in the high-income societies. X-ray imaging of blood vessels is widely used in diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular conditions, but it has several drawbacks: Image quality is sometimes insufficient; Applied Iodinated Contrast Media (ICM) may induce kidney injuries; X-ray exposure of patient and staff may cause cancer. Image quality improvement and radical reduction of ICM/X-ray dose are an unmet need. Our team has developed Digital Variance Angiography imaging and implemented it in a software, the Kinepict Medical Imaging Tool (KMIT). This ground-breaking patented technology can change the currently used angiography methods, improving image quality (3-10 times higher signal-to-noise ratio) and providing a dose management solution to reduce X-ray and ICM dose at least by 75% and 50%, respectively. Using the KMIT offers several advantages: a)Risk of angiography procedures is reduced dramatically for both patient and staff. b)The society benefits from smaller morbidity and mortality of cancer and kidney injury c)Hospitals save 220,000 €/year on direct costs d)Health care system expenses are reduced by around 300,000 €/year/licencing hospital e)Total savings might reach the 300 M€/year in the EU (assuming a 10 % market penetration. Our customers are healthcare institutions doing vascular interventions; the users of our product are vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists. Our total addressable market size in Europe and USA is around €300 M. Our goal is to revolutionize X-ray angiography by introducing a dose management and image processing tool. The current proposal is organized around the following objectives: a) clinical validation of our technology for new indications, b) organization of a reference laboratory network, c) software and hardware optimization to reach TRL 9 level and d) baseline commercial activities.

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€ 2 182 031,25