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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Climate smart, ecosystem-enhancing and knowledge-based rural expertise and training centres

CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.

Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Data Management Plan – initial version

Leader: UPM (P6). O-1.7: Project Data Management plan (DMP) for the effective coordination of the project data.

RURALITIES training to empower/equip the actors of the rural areas (SIMSES)

Leader: IRI (P7). Handbook and action plan for the implementation of actors’ Leader: IRI (P7). Handbook and action plan for the implementation of actors’ engagement, connection and empowerment including a format for the Memorandum of Understanding and a blueprint for training activities (empowerment).

RURALITIES Handbook on the system thinking methodology

Leader: IRI (P7). A digital handbook to support practitioners in organising system thinking exercises on challenges correlated to the rural scene at large, to support characterising solutions, measures and pathways to answer to these challenges.

RURALITIES role models, replicators and serious game

Leader: ASPI (P53). A network of 100+ (KPI) role models and ‘replicators’ (e.g., ‘multipliers’) who are assigned to animate the project plan for maximisation of impact (visibility and replication)

Report on the organisation and implementation of communication and dissemination activities - first version

Leader: CETRI (P03). Comprehensive provision on the design, organisation, implementation, and follow-up on the many project’s activities implemented within the 1st reporting period (until M18) for communication and dissemination e.g., publications, presentations at international conferences, events, and exhibitions, etc., developing in both digital and physical arenas.

RURALITIES structured evidence to build the project monitoring system

Leader: EQUIP (P12). Comprehensive list of structured, actionable, interactive, and place-specific evidence and interlinks with existing resources found in the targeted rural areas (project’s SIMSES), correlated with the work programme topic (outcomes) and destination (impact) settings.

– Tutorial with audio-video capsule to equip partners in using the SaaS

Leader: UPM (P6). O-1.8: digital management platform ‘Lean Drive Commons” (LeanDC), a tailored software as a service (SaaS). O-1-9: comprehensive tutorial with audio-video capsule to equip partners in using the SaaS.

RURALITIES training to empower/equip role models and replicators

Leader: ASPI (P53). A capacity building programme to equip 100+ role models and Leader: ASPI (P53). A training programme to equip 100+ role models and replicators for the anticipated tasks e.g., supervising the co-creation of RURALITIES Augmented Knowledge Alliance, contributing to the transcontinental AU-EU campaign ‘Rural Thrive 2050’, etc.

Knowledge and intellectual property rights management (KIPER) guidelines and briefs

r: CETRI (P3) O.1-10: manual for knowledge management. O-11.1: manual for property rights management (KIPER)

Dissemination and Communication Plan: project identity, materials and strategy

Leader: CETRI (P03). WP-4 output 1 “O4-1”: the branding manual and project visual identity, a digital provision, and files. O4-2: comprehensive guidelines for the implementation of the CODES action plan. O4-3: a comprehensive set of Microsoft PowerPoint and graphic design format digital files and templates.

Practice Abstracts – first version

Leader: CETRI (P03). This deliverable contains 10 practice abstracts


Leader: CETRI (P03). Overview of the structure and functionalities of the project website.


The Evolution of the Romanian Organic Agriculture in a Global Context

Autorzy: Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Mihai Alexandru Chițea, Alexandra Raluca Jelea, Lorena Florentina Chițea, Roxana Nicoleta Rațu, Mihaela Popa
Opublikowane w: ational Agricultural Research and Development Institute F U N D U L E A, 2023, ISSN 2067-5720
Wydawca: zenodo
DOI: 10.59665/rar4107

Sisteme rurale durabile și sustenabile Studii de agro-economie și antropologie rurală

Autorzy: Brumă, Ioan Sebastian
Opublikowane w: 2023
Wydawca: zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10607681


Autorzy: Dinu Vasiliu, Codrin
Opublikowane w: 2023
Wydawca: zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10884101

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