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Multifunctional Platform Technology for Magnetically Actuated Controlled Drug Release from Biodegradable Scaffolds


The extremely popular engineering field of drug-eluting biodegradable scaffolds for regenerative medicine, cancer treatment and cardiovascular therapies has largely failed to ensure therapy at the right place, at the right time and with the right dose. Control of actuated drug release is the grand challenge to solve. Previous attempts struggled because, at this time, no technology is able to cope with the influence of scaffold alterations with degradation.
MAD Control will establish a multifunctional platform for biodegradable cardiovascular scaffolds and (i) make model-based predictions of degradation states from real-time imaging, (ii) reveal which actuation is best for targeted drug release in the actual degradation state, and (iii) uncover how to generate this actuation.
The platform comprises magnetic nanoparticles in hybrid scaffold materials, tailored for a double function: sensors for magnetic particle imaging, and actuators for drug release with magnetic fluid hyperthermia. The imaging results are matched with degradation states based on prediction models to be created, and magnetic fluid hyperthermia is induced in a multimodal device to be developed. Control is achieved by coupling material data streams, acquired through automated and comprehensive in-situ measurements of the hybrid materials’ properties, with modelling and control algorithms.
Thus, the multifunctional platform promises a theranostic breakthrough: On-demand release of a precise amount of drugs that can be deliberately chosen. Targeting efficacy is finally measured in vivo, after extensive in-vitro testing.
The outcome of this project will be truly transformative, opening new possibilities for research and development of bio¬degradable implants as well as of magnetic transport and release systems for active agents, and it is never limited to cardiovascular applications.

Dziedzina nauki

Klasyfikacja projektów w serwisie CORDIS opiera się na wielojęzycznej taksonomii EuroSciVoc, obejmującej wszystkie dziedziny nauki, w oparciu o półautomatyczny proces bazujący na technikach przetwarzania języka naturalnego.

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