CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Training AlliancE for Novel Microbiome-Modulating TherapieS


Weiterbildungsplattform zur Wirkstoffforschung mit dem Schwerpunkt therapeutische Mikrobiotamodifikationen

Das über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierte Projekt TALENTS zielt darauf ab, eine internationale Allianz für die interdisziplinäre Weiterbildung von 15 Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden als nächste Forschungsgeneration im Wirkstoffbereich aufzubauen. Einzelne Projekte sind derart strukturiert, dass sie sich auf die Untersuchung des Mikrobioms und therapeutische Modifikationen der Mikrobiota, Alternativen zu traditionellen Antibiotika zur Verringerung des Risikos der Resistenzentwicklung sowie Möglichkeiten der Bereitstellung neuer Therapeutika konzentrieren. Das übergeordnete Ziel lautet, neue Krankheitsmodelle und Analyseverfahren zu entwickeln. Mit der Erkundung der Wechselwirkungen und Zusammenhänge zwischen Mikrobiota und der Entstehung von Krankheiten wird TALENTS die Entdeckung innovativer mikrobiommodulierender Therapien vorantreiben.


TALENTS aims to build up an international programme for interdisciplinary and transsectorial training of 15 doctoral candidates (DCs) as needed for the next generation of drug researchers. Research projects are structured in 3 clusters (PCs): PC1 will investigate the microbiome by transcriptomic and metagenomic analysis of diseases to identify and isolate microorganisms/metabolites for therapeutically modifying the microbiota. PC2 will focus on pathoblockers targeting virulence factors as alternative to traditional antibiotics with lower risk of resistance development. PC3 will address the delivery needs across biological barriers, to achieve efficient and targeted transport to the site of action. Throughout the PC structure of 15 individual, but interconnected research projects, we aim to develop and exchange disease models, analytical methods and microbiome-related results. By generating knowledge on correlations and causalities between microbiota and disease TALENTS will advance the development of novel microbiome-modulating therapies
TALENTS is builds on an earlier joint venture of Saarland University, University Clinics Saarland and Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland to foster transdisciplinary doctoral training between different faculties and institutions. In addition, TALENTS is intersectorial by implementing a unique supervision structure for each DC with an external expert advisor and translation-oriented training for individual career development, also including secondments in a complementary industrial or clinical sector. Working on challenging research projects, the candidates will acquire specific knowledge and skills at the interface of clinical medicine, microbiology and pharmaceutical science, pivotal for state-of-the-art infection research and microbiome interventions.
By collaborations of experts from natural sciences, medicine, and bioinformatics, TALENTS provides high-level multidisciplinary and intersectorial training.


€ 1 512 000,00
66123 Saarbrucken

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Saarland Saarland Regionalverband Saarbrücken
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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Partner (16)