Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FUNAMBULIST (FUnctional Nucleic Acids as Versatile SMart BUilding BLocks in Non-ConventIonal SolvenTs)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2023-05-01 do 2024-04-30
Successfully introduced biotin and primary amine modifications, key factor to facilitate the further immobilization -and its evaluation- on membranes.
Objective 2: Synthesize sequence-defined polymers and assessed their interaction with model ionic liquids. Initial studies of interactions between sequence-controlled polymers and ionic liquids, finding that their fundamental physico-chemical properties remain unaltered.
Objective 3: Develop a screening method for nucleic acid scaffolds and evaluated bi-molecular systems in ionic liquids. Implemented new microfluidic device designs and hydrogel beads for handling modified DNAs and XNAs.
Objective 4: Synthesized new compounds capable of enhance the catalysis monitoring in the Diels-Alder reaction. Initial studies regarding membrane modification by DNA-scaffolds
Objective 5: Created a Data Management Plan and developed the FUNAMBULIST website as a communication tool. Consortium meetings were carried out and future meetings are planned.
Objective 6: Designed a Quality Management Plan and established efficient document sharing through One-Drive folder created for FUNAMBULIST.
Held regular consortium meetings to monitor progress.
Innovative microfluidic device designs compatible with the properties of ionic liquids.
Develop of a several sequence-defined polymers that can serve as platform for the membrane.
New fluorescent -and more reactive- compounds were created to control de monitoring of the catalysis.
Initial studies regarding DNA-immobilization over a membrane were carried out.