Europe is heavily investing to create a continental e-Infrastructure based on Grid technology in order to turn the vision of a European Research Area (ERA) into reality. Nowadays, e-Science and e-Infrastructures are considered key enablers of the progress and sustainable development of a country and are concrete means to address the problems of the “digital divide” and the “brain drain” which are endemic in large parts of the world. In the context of its Framework Programmes, EC has already co-funded several projects to stimulate and foster e-Science and Grids well outside its borders and in several parts of the world such as Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean. However, the adoption of the “Grid paradigm” and the effective usage of e-Infrastructures require a capillary activity of knowledge dissemination and training to help scientists to make use of distributed computing capabilities for/in their scientific applications. The strategic aims of the EPIKH project are to: • Reinforce the impact of e-Infrastructures in scientific research defining and delivering stimulating programme of educational events, including Grid Schools and High Performance Computing courses; • Broaden the engagement in e-Science activities and collaborations both geographically and across disciplines. These ambitious goals translate into the following specific actions: • Spreading the knowledge about the “Grid Paradigm” to all potential users: both system administrators and application developers through an extensive training programme; • Easing the access of the trained people to the e-Infrastructures existing in the areas of action of the project; • Fostering the establishment of scientific collaborations among the countries/continents involved in the project.
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MC-IRSES - International research staff exchange scheme (IRSES)Koordynator