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2D Materials/Polyoxometalate Hybrids for Heritage Conservation

Opis projektu

Ochrona zabytków dzięki powłokom hybrydowym

Na nasze dziedzictwo kulturowe czyha wiele zagrożeń: pogoda i inne ekstremalne warunki, starzenie się, biodeterioracja i biodegradacja. W tym kontekście zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu HeriCare zbada wykorzystanie przeźroczystych materiałów hybrydowych składających się z polioksometalanów i materiałów 2D, które mogą być wykorzystywane do ochrony zabytków. Po raz pierwszy takie materiały będą badane przez specjalistów w dziedzinie materiałoznawstwa i konserwacji. Dzięki wizytom badawczym w dziale ochrony środowiska biblioteki hiszpańskiego Królewskiego Ogrodu Botanicznego i w centrum rewitalizacji w mieście Huesca powstanie multidyscyplinarna sieć. Działania te wytyczą nowe kierunki dla badań nad nowatorskimi materiałami przeciwdrobnoustrojowymi.


Protecting cultural heritage objects from biodeterioration and biodegradation is a major challenge faced by European society due to the implications in identity, economy and history. The aim of the HeriCare project is to create & expand a library of transparent hybrid materials composed of polyoxometalates & two-dimensional (2D) materials to be used in heritage conservation. This is the first time that such hybrids will be explored for this type of application and this project is expected to generate a broad impact on the fields of materials science and conservation. Moreover, selected hybrids will be incorporated to modern paper to provide ultra-resistant properties against biological contaminants for future heritage. The implementation of this multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral project is expected to boost the personal career of the candidate by completing his knowledge about chemistry synthesis and acquiring a whole new set of research skills related to microbiology, biochemistry and cultural heritage. Furthermore, a multidisciplinary network will be created via long research visits to the conservation department of the library of the Spanish Royal Botanic Gardens and a short visit to a Restoration School (Huesca, Spain), which are expected to provide a concise insight into conservation work and the state-of-the-art of cultural heritage preservation techniques and products. In return, the candidate will transfer his expertise on 2D materials to the hosting and the research visit groups, which is expected to open new research lines and future collaborations in the field of novel antimicrobial materials. Finally, the project management and additional activities such as courses, coaching and dissemination will provide key skills for financial management, communication, research development and mentoring, which will prepare the candidate for his career as a fully independent researcher and team leader.


Wkład UE netto
€ 160 932,48
28006 Madrid

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
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Research Organisations
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€ 160 932,48