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Opis projektu

Wzmocnienie gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym w parkach naukowo-technologicznych

Parki naukowo-technologiczne są szeroko rozpowszechnione. Obecnie jest ich w Europie ponad 300. Dzięki rozwojowi starszych parków i powstawaniu nowych, są one instrumentami powszechnie wykorzystywanymi przez władze regionalne i krajowe. Finansowany przez UE projekt RBM ma na celu optymalizację wykorzystania zasobów poprzez przekształcenie tradycyjnych parków naukowo-technologicznych w parki zrównoważone i ekologiczne. Na przykład, odpady wytwarzane przez jedną firmę mogą stanowić surowiec lub źródło energii dla innego przedsiębiorstwa. W ramach projektu powstanie metodologia oraz strategia rewaloryzacji odpadów, sprzętu i jego ponownego włączenia w cykl życia firm mających siedzibę w parkach. Ponad 80 % tych firm to MŚP, które tworzą większość nowych miejsc pracy.


An eco- industrial park is an area where businesses work together to optimize the use of resources. Waste from one company provides the raw material or energy for another. This synergy between industries fosters economic benefits while contributing to sustainable development.

The main purpose of the project Recycling Business Models – RBM is indeed to investigate and analyse the possibility to transform traditional science and technology parks in more sustainable areas, to establish the basis of models of Eco science and technology parks. The principal objective of the project is indeed to create a methodology and a specific strategy to impulse especially the creation of new business opportunities for SMEs and the creation of new companies, based on the revalorisation of the wastes, equipment and its reincorporation in the life cycle of the companies located in science and technology parks.

More than 80% of the companies located within technology park in Europe are SMEs, which create the majority of new jobs in the economy of these countries. The development and improvement of ecosystem of innovation support to SMEs is indeed crucial for the scale up of the companies and the creation of new jobs, including the recruiting of talent.

RBM is based specifically on the opportunities for SMEs and companies the Circular Economy (CE) perspective can bring. New business models within this concept are beginning to deliver success and impact in terms of driving competitive benefits. Creating enterprises around sustainable models can improve both their environmental impact and competitiveness.

Great opportunities are arising due to new consumer demands, environmental regulatory pressures and innovation challenges, and early SMEs adopters are likely to enter the market and attract investment so the project will investigate on the establishment of new strategies for the design and delivery of more adequate innovation support programmes for SMEs within the field of CE.

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Wkład UE netto
€ 50 000,00
29590 Malaga

Zobacz na mapie

Sur Andalucía Málaga
Rodzaj działalności
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Koszt całkowity
€ 50 000,00

Uczestnicy (2)