CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.
Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .
Simulation framework and identification of simulation tools to enrich field experiment results from vehicle level of shared CCAVs up to mobility level. Detailed scenarios and hypotheses addressing A9.4 KPI’s and WP13 impact areas will be included. Definition of data inputs required from SHOW sites. Related tasks: A10.1, A10.2, A10.3
Dissemination and Communication Plan update and activitiesUpdate of dissemination plan and report of dissemination achievements upon KPIs defined Reporting of the launch PanEuropean multistakeholders workshop and all other dissemination activities and event attended andor organised by the project so far according to the plan initial overview described in Table 16 Related tasks A151 A152 A153
SHOW updated Ethics manual & Data Protection Policy and Data Privacy Impact AssessmentUpdate of project ethics manual and updated templates of the informed consent/assent forms and information sheets. Updated data protection policy of the project and first version of the project Data Privacy Impact Assessment. Related tasks: A3.2
Open modular system architecture and tools - first versionDefinition of the agreed framework for an open modular and inclusive system architecture and the enabling tools for it that will support all selected WP1 UCs and allow for crosssite crossvehicle and crossoperators data collection analysis and meta services realization All communication layers and all communication architectures and protocols will be defined in detail for all the project communication needs meaning per WP1 Use Case as each of them will be implemented in each SHOW test site Functional requirements of dashboard cybersecurity and interoperability mechanisms included Results of first round of risk assessment included Related tasks A41 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46
Pilot experimental plans, KPIs definition & impact assessment framework for pre-demo evaluationFull experimental design for predemo evaluation activities addressing at least 70 of the selected Use Cases description and creation of subjective and objective capturing and monitoring tools impact assessment framework including KPIs definition and their success target for predemo activities extending the list of the already defined KPIs Related tasks A91 A92 A94
Open modular system architecture - second versionUpdated system and communication architecture towards application in SHOW demonstrations Dashboard cybersecurity and interoperability modules and mechanisms fully implemented and specified Results of second round of risk assessment included Related tasks A41 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46
Evaluation frameworkFirst version of SHOW common parametric evaluation framework covering pre-demo and real life demonstration activities across all project test sites. Related tasks: A9.1
D3.2: SHOW Ethics manual & Data Protection PolicyWill define the Ethics Board of the project and its responsibilities and will define for the first time the ethics and GDPR related processes and their monitoring and compliance mechanisms in the course of the project. First version of templates of the informed consent/assent forms and information sheets (in language and terms intelligible to the participants). First version of data protection policy of the project. Related tasks: A3.2
Ecosystem actors needs, wants & priorities & user experience exploration toolsWill include the definition of the ecosystem or automated urban mobility, the extended reference terminology for the full course of the project, and the specific methodology and mechanisms through which ecosystem needs, wants and priorities will be captured in the project (through literature reviews and on-line surveys). The outcomes of the literature review first loop will be part of this document. At least 20 different sources will be investigated in a systematic manner until M6. In addition, it will describe the A1.2 operating module and mechanisms that will be developed and applied in the project in order to accommodate user opinion discovery regarding SHOW services. Related tasks: A1.1, A1.2.
Final SHOW Ethics manual, Data Protection Policy and Data Privacy Impact AssessmentFinal ethics manual and all related forms data protection policy and Data Privacy Impact Assessment Related tasks A32
Analysis report on legal, regulatory, institutional frameworksInvestigation of related legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks in Europe and worldwide, covering at least in detail the SHOW Mega and Satellite demo sites countries. Identification of the multi-layered restrictions and gaps and establishment of the legal and operational framework for the selected WP1 Use Cases to be demonstrated. Related tasks: A3.1 & A3.3.
Technical validation protocolValidation and commissioning framework methodology to be applied in all SHOW pilot sites in order to assure the safety and security of their operations on the vehicle side, infrastructure side and their supervision system. The framework will be harmonised in order to serve beyond SHOW and apply for deployment of future services in a safe and secure way taking into account technical, organizational and regulatory needs. Related tasks: A11.1
Dissemination and Communication PlanSHOW multilayered dissemination strategy and communication defining the target audience and stakeholder forum the key messages for each type of audience an attractive and consistent visual identity dissemination measures and dedicated meanschannels for each stakeholder group as well as the monitoring mechanisms of dissemination activities and their impact in order to ensure the fulfilment of the specific KPIs defined to be revisited Related tasks A151 A152 A153
SHOW Pproject Mmanagement, plan Quality Assurance & Risk Assessment PlanDetailed project management plan with Gantt Chart and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), including detailed task scheduling, allocation of responsibilities among Partners, Deliverables and Milestones planning, interdependencies among tasks and full definition of governance scheme layers with tasks and roles assigned to each, addressing also the project Advisory Board and its liaison to the project. It also includes the Quality Assurance Plan for the project, with definition of Quality Control Board (QCB) and responsibilities assigned respectively, encompassing the methodology for risk assessment strategy (on project level) against which the annual project risk assessments will be performed. Related tasks: A14.1, A14.2, A14.3, A14.4
Market analysisPositioning of SHOW in CCAV market detailed competitor and SWOT analysis Related tasks A161
Recommendations for Adapting Regulatory and Operational Strategies for CCAV deployment at Local and Regional LevelReport and recommendations for future adoption on regulatory and operational strategies for CCAV deployment at local and regional level on the basis of A31 outcomes and open consultation processes to be organised in the project and complemented by targeted interviews and focus group meetings At least 2 taskforce meetings will be organised in this context Related tasks A33
SHOW Project Management, Quality Assurance & Risk Assessment Plan first updateUpdate of project management plan Related tasks A141 A142
SHOW Project Management, Quality Assurance & Risk Assessment Plan second updateFinal update of project management plan Related tasks A141 A142Concertation twinning as well as Advisory Board activities will be reported in project progress reports
Benchmarking of existing business / operating models & best practicesWill report best practices on business models upon a detailed benchmarking study on existing schemes that will be expanded with dedicated interviews with at least 100 relevant external stakeholders and workshops in each MegaSatellite site involving the local ecosystem At least 7 existing best practices will be thoroughly elaborated Related tasks A21
SHOW Use CasesIdentification and elaboration of the priority urban automated mobility Use Cases of the project that guarantee high user acceptance and true user demand. Target is at least 7 UC families, 23 single UCs to work upon, each one to be addressed in at least one pilot site; all meeting local stakeholder interest and (later) acceptance. Related tasks: A1.3.
First version of validated business/operating modelsPrimary evidence on the validation of the selected business models in SHOW test sites upon specific KPIs At least 5 of them will be fully tested across the pilot sites Related tasks A23
Requirements for AV fleets operation simulation suite and first evidence on pilot results based simulations for impact assessmentAlgorithms for combinational simulation modelling to result in an integrated and holistic AV fleets operation simulation suite Issue of requirements for feeding successfully the suite designed with demo activities outcomes to support CCAV impact assessment in WP13 Related tasks A102 A103 A104
First issue of best practices and decision making mechanisms for different stakeholder groupsBest practices for key stakeholders requirements for the decision making mechanisms for Cities and Authorities Related tasks A171 A172
Open modular system architecture - third versionFinal system and communication architecture towards corrective reapplication if needed in SHOW demonstrations Corrective revision of communication dashboard cybersecurity and interoperability mechanisms implementation and specification Related tasks A41 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46
Proposed business / operating models & mapping to UCs and Pilot sitesWill propose at least 7 business models novel or existing on the basis of A21 outcomes that will be applied in SHOW including at least 2 new business roles The selected SHOW business operating models will be instantiated for application and demonstration in SHOW test sites Mega and Satellite Related tasks A22 A23
On-site digital and communication infrastructure solutions available at all applicable sites to allow the respective WP1 Use Cases and WP2 business/operational scenarios demonstration and responding to the latest version of WP4 system architecture and requirements. Related tasks: A8.2.
Criteria catalogue and solutions to assess and improve physical road infrastructureCriteria catalogue and solutions to assess and improve physical road infrastructure available at all applicable sites to allow the respective WP1 Use Cases and WP2 businessoperational scenarios demonstration and responding to the latest version of WP4 system architecture and requirements Related tasks A81
Data Management Plan detailing what data the project will generate, whether and how it will be exploited or made accessible for verification and re-use, and how it will be curated & preserved following the FAIR principles, defining their way/means of collection (against enhanced GDPR compliant templates) and identifying the open access layer. Allocation of specific roles in the Consortium in compliance with the GDPR requirements will be defined. Related tasks: A14.6
DMP - final versionUpdate of project Data Management Plan utilising knowledge gained Related tasks A146
Update of dissemination material and mechanisms of the project according to the dissemination plan established Related tasks A151 A153
Project videoProject video depicting aim objectives demonstrators interviews and so far outcomes Related tasks A151
Dissemination material and mechanisms of the projectDissemination material of the project starting from the visual identity (logo, web site and templates) to the core material to be produced and used (leaflet, poster, etc.) as well as the social media multiplication strategies and tools (all defined in detail in section 2.2). Related tasks: A15.1, A15.3
Design and implementation of the SHOW Marketplace infrastructure and its services including extended existing ones and close-to-market open-source solutions, operational services to boost the acceptance and adoption of CCAV’s for PT, energy management services and of a monitoring and authoring tool for building and managing adaptive multimodal UI targeting SHOW users. Related tasks: A6.1, A6.2, A6.3, A6.4, A6.5.
SHOW Marketplace and services - second versionRevision of marketplace infrastructure and services; able to provide all operational, energy management and dynamic personalized services required at each SHOW site. Related tasks: A6.1, A6.2, A6.3, A6.4, A6.5.
Meriem Benyahya, Sotiria Kechagia, Anastasija Collen, Niels Alexander Nijdam
Opublikowane w:
Applied Sciences, Numer 12(9), 2022, Strona(/y) 4413, ISSN 2076-3417
Ray Lattarulo, and Joshue Perez
Opublikowane w:
Sensors, Numer 21(2), 595, 2021, Strona(/y) N/A, ISSN 1424-8220
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Anna Anund, Ricker Ludovic, Brunella Caroleo, Hugo Hardestam, Anna Dahlman, Ingrid Skogsmo, Mathieu Nicaise, Maurizio Arnone
Opublikowane w:
Journal of Urban Mobility, 2022, Strona(/y) Volume 2, ISSN 2667-0917
Journal of Urban Mobility
Meriem Benyahya, Anastasija Collen, Sotiria Kechagia, Niels Alexander Nijdam
Opublikowane w:
Computers & Security, Numer 122, 2022, Strona(/y) 102904, ISSN 0167-4048
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Anastasija Collen, Niels Alexander Nijdam
Opublikowane w:
Electronics, Numer 11(7), 2022, Strona(/y) 1123, ISSN 2079-9292
Elvezia Maria Cepolina , Francesco Cepolina, Guido Ferla
Opublikowane w:
23rd International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation, Numer HMS 2021, 2021, Strona(/y) 27-36, ISSN 2724-0339
Hezam Akram Abdulghani, Niels Alexander Nijdam, Dimitri Konstantas
Opublikowane w:
IEEE Access, Numer 10, 2022, Strona(/y) 131528-131554, ISSN 2169-3536
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Mathias Niemann Tygesen, Francisco Camara Pereira, Filipe Rodrigues
Opublikowane w:
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Numer Volume 146, 2023, ISSN 0968-090X
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Anastasija Collen, Ioan-Cosmin Szanto, Meriem Benyahya, Bela Genge, Niels Alexander Nijdam
Opublikowane w:
Information, Numer 13(7), 2022, Strona(/y) 340, ISSN 2078-2489
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Guy Fournier, Michael Thalhofer, Philippe Chrétien, Adrian Boos, Dorien Korbee, Ines Jaroudi, Eliane Nemoto, Gabriele Naderer, Dimitri Konstantas, Tobias Viere
Opublikowane w:
Transportation Research Procedia - Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference 2022, 2023, ISSN 2352-1465
Elsevier B.V.
Khayyam Masood, Rezia Molfino, Matteo Zoppi
Opublikowane w:
Electronics, Numer 9/6, 2020, Strona(/y) 883, ISSN 2079-9292
Khayyam Masood,David Pérez Morales,Vincent Fremont,Matteo Zoppi,Rezia Molfino
Opublikowane w:
Energies, Numer 14 (15) 4677, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Khayyam Masood, Xavier Dauptain, Matteo Zoppi, Rezia Molfino
Opublikowane w:
Electronics, Numer 9/9, 2020, Strona(/y) 1370, ISSN 2079-9292
Meriem Benyahya, Anastasija Collen, Sotiria Kechagia, Niels Alexander Nijdam
Opublikowane w:
Transportation Research Procedia - Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference 2022, 2023, ISSN 2352-1465
Elsevier B.V.
Khayyam Masood, Matteo Zoppi, Vincent Fremont, Rezia M. Molfino
Opublikowane w:
Sustainability, Numer 13/3, 2021, Strona(/y) 1169, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Carlos Hidalgo; Ray Lattarulo; Carlos Flores; Joshué Pérez Rastelli
Opublikowane w:
Numer 8, Numer 2, 2021, ISSN 1424-8220
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Malisetty Venkata Akhil Babu, ElviziaMaria Cepolina, Matteo Zoppi
Opublikowane w:
I3M 2022 (HSM 2022 Best Paper Award)
Antonios Lalas, Dimitrios Tsiktsiris, Konstantinos Votis, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Jeroen Beukers, and Dimitri Konstantas
Opublikowane w:
24th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2021), Numer 8-10 September 2021, 2021
EWGT 2021
Matina Loukea, Maria Gemo, Evangelia Gaitanidou, Mary Panou
Opublikowane w:
10th International Congress on Transport Research, 2021
10th International Congress on Transport Research
Isabela Erdelean, Andrea Schaub, Christian Stefan; Marek Vanzura, Veronika Prändl-Zika, Andreas Hula
Opublikowane w:
TRA 2022
Francesco Cepolina, Elvezia Maria Cepolina, Guido Ferla
Opublikowane w:
23rd International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation 18th International Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Multiconference, Numer 23rd International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation 18th International Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Multiconference, 2021, Strona(/y) 17-26, ISBN 978-88-85741-59-1
23rd International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation
Fatima-Zahra Debbaghi, Lieselot Vanhaverbeke, Evy Rombaut
Opublikowane w:
TRA 2022
Alexandros Papadopoulos, Antonios Lalas, Konstantinos Votis, Dimitrios Tyrovolas, George K. Karagiannidis, Sotiris Ioannidis, Christos Liaskos
Opublikowane w:
Alberto Bellini1, Brunella Caroleo, Cassandre de Froidmont
Opublikowane w:
14th ITS European Congress, Numer May 2022, 2022
14th ITS European Congress
Oikonomou, Maria; Sekadakis, Marios; Katrakazas, Christos; Ziakopoulos, Apostolos; Vlahogianni, Eleni; Yannis, George
Opublikowane w:
International Congress On Transportation Research (ICTR), 2021
Delphine Grandsart, Henriette Cornet, Matina Loukea, Stéphanie Coeugnet-Chevrier, Natacha Metayer, Anna Anund, Anna Sjörs Dahlman
Opublikowane w:
CSUM 2022: Smart Energy for Smart Transport, 2023, Strona(/y) 468–481
Benedetto Marco Serinelli
Opublikowane w:
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Network Security (ICCINS-2022), Numer 3-4 March 2022, 2022
National Institute of Technology
Nico Lambing, Sven Ochs, Stefan Orf, Tobias Fleck, Christian Hubschneider, Marc Rene Zofka, Alexander Viehl, J. Marius Zoellner
Opublikowane w:
10th international Congress on Transporation Reserach (ICTR)
Guido Lorenzo Valletta, Leonardo Domanico
Opublikowane w:
28th ITS World Congress
Yun-Pang Flötteröd, Iman Pereira, Johan Olstam, Laura Bieker-Walz
Opublikowane w:
SUMO User Conference 2022, 2022
SUMO User Conference 2022
Yun-Pang Flötteröd, Laura Bieker-Walz, Johan Olstam
Opublikowane w:
27th ITS World Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 2021
27th ITS World Congress, Hamburg, Germany
Sven Jansen, Jochem Brouwer, Koichi Kawaguchi
Opublikowane w:
JSAE Annual Congress, Numer 2022, 2022
2022 JSAE Annual Congress
Jürgen Weimer, Christian Ulrich, Marcus Conzelmann, Tobias Fleck, Marc René Zofka, Miriam Grünhäuser
Opublikowane w:
27th ITS World Congress
Benedetto Marco Serinelli and Anastasija Collen and Niels Alexander Nijdam
Opublikowane w:
18th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC), Numer 09-12 August 2021, 2021, Strona(/y) 192-199, ISSN 1877-0509
Evangelos Antypas, Georgios Spanos, Antonios Lalas, Konstantinos Votis, Dimitrios Tzovaras
Opublikowane w:
2022 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-8561-6
2022 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2)
van der Tuin, M.S., Spruijtenburg, D., Zhou, H.
Opublikowane w:
TRA 2022
Lorenzo Valletta, Leonardo Domanico
Opublikowane w:
International Road Federation (IRF) Global Road to Tomorrow (R2T) Conference and Exhibition
Andreas Hula, Andrea Schaub, Christian Stefan, Veronika Prändl-Zika, Isabela Erdelean
Opublikowane w:
TRA 2022
Anbarasan, S.; Masood, K.; Zoppi, M.; Fremont, V.; Molfino, R.
Opublikowane w:
10th international Congress on Transporation Reserach (ICTR), September 2021, Numer 2021IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2021, Strona(/y) 2582-2588, ISBN 978-1-7281-9142-3
2021IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)
Michael Hartmann, Master of Science
Opublikowane w:
Graz University of Technology, 2022
Graz University of Technology
Pozostałe produkty badawcze
Autorzy: Papadopoulos, Alexandros; Lalas, Antonios; Votis, Konstantinos; Tyrovolas, Dimitrios; Karagiannidis, George K.; Ioannidis, Sotiris; Liaskos, Christos
Opublikowane w: arXiv
Autorzy: Flötteröd, Yun-Pang; Bieker-Walz, Laura; Olstam, Johan
Opublikowane w: Zenodo
Autorzy: Katrakazas, Christos; Hillebrand, Joachim; Flötteröd, Yun-Pang; Krajzewicz, Daniel; Bieker-Walz, Laura; Hartmann, Michael; Xiao, Lin; van der Tuin, Marieke; Sekadakis, Marios; Oikonomou, Maria; Rudloff, Christian; Töttel, Lars; Mintsis, Evangelos; Touliou, Katerina; Porfyri, Kallirroi; Karagounis, Vasilios; Mitsakis, Evangelos; Hauch, Daniel; Berglund, Magnus; Olstam, Johan; Oguz Kagan Capkin, Sevket; Koskinen, Sami
Autorzy: Sekadakis, Marios; Oikonomou, Maria; Katrakazas, Christos; Hillebrand, Joachim; Flötteröd, Yun-Pang; Krajzewicz, Daniel; Xiao, Lin; van der Tuin, Marieke; Deschle, Nico; Spruijtenburg, Dawn; Hartmann, Michael; Rudloff, Christian; Müller, Johannes; Rosenkranz, Paul; Töttel, Lars; Mintsis, Evangelos; Berglund, Magnus; Olstam, Johan; Oguz Kagan Capkin, Sevket
Autorzy: Flötteröd, Yun-Pang; Münster, Marco; Brost, Mascha; Ochs, Sven; Zofka, Marc René; Lambauer, Karl; Schratter, Markus; Scheibe, Sebastian
Autorzy: Flötteröd, Yun-Pang; Karnahl, Katharina; Pavlakis, Sofia; Holdermüller, Anja; Ochs, Sven; Zofka, Marc René; Dietl, Kai; Mook, Mitja
Autorzy: Oikonomou, Maria; Sekadakis, Marios; Katrakazas, Christos; Ziakopoulos, Apostolos; Vlahogianni, Eleni; Yannis, George
Opublikowane w: Zenodo
Autorzy: Lalas, Antonios; Tsiktsiris, Dimitris; Votis, Konstantinos; Tzovaras, Dimitrios; Konstantas, Dimitri; Beukers, Jeroen
Opublikowane w: Zenodo
Autorzy: Serinelli, Benedetto Marco
Opublikowane w: Zenodo
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