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Integrated Home Energy RenOvation Service

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - I-HEROS (Integrated Home Energy RenOvation Service)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-09-01 do 2022-02-28

The EU envisages the renovation of European homes as an energy-saving solution and as a means to protect property from energy poverty consequences. The EU-funded I-HEROS project is developing an entirely integrated home renovation service in Toulouse Métropole. The project is increasing the cooperation and coordination between existing programmes and local, regional and national initiatives. I-HEROS is implementing by a consortium of 8 partners with in-field experience in technical, digital, social, legal and administrative issues of renovation, with the support and engagement of local stakeholders.
The project will ensure the long-term sustainability of the service through the establishment of a financially attractive offer, a solid business plan and the monitoring of the service's performance.

The 3 years long I-HEROS projects aims at developing a fully integrated home renovation service in Toulouse Métropole, the 4th French city with an urban area of 1.3 M inhabitants. The service will cover the whole customer journey: (i) the social diagnosis (ii) the technical diagnosis, (iii) the contracting and the monitoring of works, (iv) the structuring and provision of finance and (v) the advising and follow-up all along the renovation project.
To reach the ambitious objective of renovating 2000 homes per year after the project, a 2-year trial period will initiate 500 renovations per year. During this trial, KPIs tracking and an external evaluation will enable the monitoring of the service performances and its optimization to ensure both the quality and sustainability of the service, ultimately improving homeowners trust. It is expected that, 3 years after the end of the project, 70 M€ of investments in renovation will have been triggered with more than 500 homes saved from energy poverty situations while the whole service will support in excess of 1300 jobs. Three years after, 56 GWh/yr of primary energy will be saved and the reduction of GES emissions is estimated at 14 700 tCO2-eq/yr.

The specifics objectives of the project are:

- To simplify and optimise the renovation processes, the related administrative tasks and legal framework
- To implement a physical OSS: “Maison de l’Energie” as well as a digital platform
- To contribute to structuring and coordinating existing offers and initiatives available in Toulouse Métropole
- To develop a service adapted to the stakeholders’ needs through the use of a strong advisory board
- To mobilize contractors and engage stakeholders in participating and contributing in-the service and its optimisation
- To improve financing conditions and develop a sustainable business model
- To reduce renovation costs, streamline standard practices and mainstream innovative solutions
- To develop citizens’ trust in the service and increase renovations
During the first 18 months of the project, the biggest result is the opening for the one stop shop called “Maison de l’Energie”, in February 2022, located in the city centre of Toulouse.
This one stop shop has been designed and defined through the first half of the project:

- The French and German one stop shop were compared and studied to define their approach of renovation support pathways, as well as the different renovation techniques according to housing type and construction year.
- Incentives and grants to renovation for the citizens changed a lot during the implementation of the project, and it has been fine tuning to offer the best customer journey. Two paths have been defined: one for the individual houses and one for the condominium building.
- The physical one stop has been implemented since February 2022. Located in the city centre of Toulouse (close to the railway station), this building host 8 energy advisors fully dedicated to give advices of inhabitants of Toulouse Metropole. People can book a digital or physical meeting, and the hotline is working to give a first advice. Thanks to a massive communication campaign, more than 1200 people had a first contact with advisors since January 2022, 200 of which were made in person at the Energy House or at one of the 23 offices in TM area.
- The digital website have been launched at the same time as the opening of the physical Maison de l’Energie (17/02/2022), to answer to the increasing demand of advices by the inhabitants.
- Guidance for the renovation for condominium building and individuals housing have been drafted by the partners of the project. It covers financial tools, technical guidelines, and legal advices for inhabitants.
- In order to target the professional sector and the craftsman of renovation, several meetings have been organised with the main professional federations and organisations. A charter has been drafted with six stakeholders, also part of the advisory board of I-Heros, to share the objectives and have a global vision of the renovation sector. All enterprises will be able to sign this charter, to proof their ambition of quality in terms of renovation building. They will be listed in the common directory of the one stop shop, in order to give a pledge of trust for the inhabitants.

It has been identified by the public actors of the energy renovation that the monitoring of consumption is an important lever to, on the one hand, convince and, on the other hand, to have feedback after the works. Therefore, an online Simplified Energy Balance has been deployed on the CoachCopro co-ownership tool. It allows the co-owner to inform the annual energy consumption, by usage, following the collective energy bills from the online project space of his co-ownership. CoachCopro then takes care of putting it in the form of a bar graph by year of consumption. Finally, the co-owner can choose to display his consumption in total final energy, in total primary energy per m², in corrected primary energy per m² and in euros.
- To increase the number of advisors in the OSS to help more homeowners renovate their homes.
- Setting up a service for the valorisation of CEE (Certificats d’Économies d’Énergie) from owners. It would allow the community to collect revenues indirectly from individuals without charging them for the service provided, thus reducing the One-Stop-Shop's dependence on public subsidies.
- To implement of an ambitious action plan for the renovation of condominiums, over 3 to 5 years, adapted to the metropolitan territory, to help more co-owners renovate their homes.
- Validation and replication on the whole of TM area of the accompaniment to the energy renovation of the districts which would present identical individual houses (horizontal condominiums or residential district with close years of construction) to help more homeowners renovate their homes by pooling and replicating the support, diagnostics and technical offers proposed.
- Elaboration of a new charter of commitment of the professionals dedicated to the companies which renvoate condominiums. The objective is to further structure the professional offer, to increase the number and quality of renovations on the territory as well as the number of qualified professionals.
- Reinforcement of the budget of the existing Program of General Interest of TM which provides advice, support and financing to modest and very modest households in their housing rehabilitation project was analysed, in order to lift more households out of energy poverty.