CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Circular DNA in diagnosis and disease models


Zirkuläre DNA als neuartiger diagnostischer Biomarker

Zirkuläre DNA ist ein neuartiger Biomarker, der für viele Arten von Krebs und entzündlichen Erkrankungen immer mehr in den Fokus rückt. Uns fehlt es jedoch an der Technologie zur Erkennung zirkulärer DNA und zur Erstellung angemessener Krankheitsmodelle. Um dieses Problem zu bewältigen, wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt CIRCULAR VISION anhand von Lungenkrebs und der entzündlichen Darmerkrankung den Zusammenhang zwischen Krankheit und zirkulärer DNA untersuchen. Forschende werden mithilfe einer Kombination aus Mikrofluiden, DNA-Sequenzierung und Bioinformatik neue Biomarker ermitteln und neuartige Ansätze für die Krebsdiagnose entwickeln. Die daraus entstehende Technologie wird den Weg für künftige Forschung und Arzneimittelentwicklung auf diesem Gebiet ebnen.


Many human diseases, including cancers and inflammatory disorders, are associated with the production of ‘circular DNA’ from chromosomes. These molecules have potential as biomarkers, and in the case of cancers are potential drivers of disease progression. However, the technology for detecting circular DNA and for creating disease models is lacking, meaning we cannot explore their potential use in diagnostics. CIRCULAR VISIONs goal is to explore the new opportunities circular DNA creates in early diagnosis and monitoring of disease, particularly screening, and to create an experimental system to understand the link between disease and circular DNA.

CIRCULAR VISION will explore this brand new territory by creating highly sensitive whole genome screens for circular DNA that correlate with disease, using lung cancer (LC) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) as model examples. We develop and combine novel methods in molecular biology, microfluidics, DNA sequencing and bioinformatics in order to identify new diagnostic markers. Such markers for IBD and LC will then be adapted to clinical diagnosis and prognosis using advanced image analysis and cytometry methods. Finally, CIRCULAR VISION will show the causal link between circular DNA and cancer, by producing disease models with oncogenes on circular DNA.

CIRCULAR VISION assembles key pioneers in the emerging field of circular DNA with leading clinical experts and key commercial players in cytometry and genomics. We are convinced that our technology has broad applications in early noninvasive diagnosis of cancer and monitoring of inflammatory diseases. We believe our technology will lay the foundation for future research into circular DNA biology and spur future drug development.

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