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Light-REsponsive Nanomachines for Targeted Eradication of BactErial Pathogens in LocaLised InfectIONs


Nanomaschinen als neue antimikrobielle Wirkstoffe

Antimikrobielle Resistenzen sind eine weltweite medizinische Herausforderung, weswegen dringend neue Antibiotika entwickelt werden müssen. Molekulare Nanomaschinen sind synthetische organische Moleküle, die Lipiddoppelschichten mit einer Rotationsbewegung durchdringen können. Sie gelten mittlerweile als vielversprechende antimikrobielle Alternative. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt REBELLION schlägt die Synthetisierung und Untersuchung von molekularen Nanomaschinen vor, die auf Licht reagieren. Das Forschungsteam wird die Molekülkandidaten auf ihre Wirksamkeit bei verschiedenen mikrobiellen Zielen und ihre Sicherheit bei Säugetierzellen testen. Diese innovativen antimikrobiellen Mittel haben nicht nur eine höhere Selektivität, sie entwickeln auch mit einer geringeren Wahrscheinlichkeit antimikrobielle Resistenzen.


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been identified as a major threat to mankind in the 21st century. Thus, there is a critical need to develop new antimicrobials and new delivery strategies to preserve the viability of the existing antibiotics. One such strategy is the use of molecular nanomachines (MNMs) for targeted and controlled inactivation of bacterial pathogens.
REBELLION aims to develop new light responsive MNMs against bacterial pathogens with minimal damage to mammalian tissues. This strategy will provide a therapeutic advantage in terms of efficacy and selectivity compared with current therapeutics while minimizing the potential for the development of AMR.
The proposed research programme combines (1) chemical synthesis of new MNMs, (2) assessment of their efficacy against clinically relevant bacterial pathogens, (3) evaluation of their safety to mammalian cells and (4) in vivo efficacy testing. The results obtained have the potential to lead to an alternative, entirely novel class of antimicrobials (MNMs) and to become a stepping stone towards future clinical trials.
REBELLION is a vital, multidisciplinary and international endeavor that will bring together this fellow’s core expertise in microbial photobiology with (1) antibiotic resistance and infection at IdISBa (beneficiary, Spain), (2) state-of-the-art technology in light-driven antimicrobial therapy, and experience in in vitro and in vivo drug efficacy testing championed by GAMA Therapeutics (host, USA) and (3) expert knowledge in nanomachine synthesis by the Nanotechnology Department of Rice University (co-host, USA).
I will be trained by top-level scientists and widen my network and competencies through advanced training in nanotechnology, infection, and drug development and testing. This action will catalyze my career into an independent and mature researcher with an eclectic skill set geared toward producing a unique contribution to European excellence in antimicrobial discovery technology.


€ 245 732,16
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€ 245 732,16

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