We propose to establish a network of collaborating research teams having the mRNA poly (A) tail as a common scientific denominator. All mamalian mRNAs have at 3' ends a 200 residues long poly (A) tail. The poly (A) tail is added post-transcriptionally (nuclear
polyadenylation) and this reaction is used by all type of cells to regulate gene expression. In some cells the lengh of the poly (A) tail is metabolised, either by removal or by readdition. Modulating the length of the poly (A) tail regulates translational capacity of an mRNA. Research within this network will increase knowledge in: 1) biochemical details of nuclear polyadenylation.
2) regulation of gene expression through poly (A) site selection 3) functional importance of poly (A) tail metabolism.
We propose to establish an advanced "school" for training of young post-doctoral fellows. After completion of the three year programme participating fellows should be able to establish independent research programs in their home countries. The young scientists will receive training in:
1) theoretical, experimental and methodological scientific
2) organisation and execution of advanced practical and theoretical courses/workshops.
3) interaction and communication with other scientists.
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NET - Research network contractsKoordynator
751 23 Uppsala