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Money, Rituality and Tombs in northern Italy during Late antiquity

Opis projektu

Umieszczanie monet na ciałach zmarłych

Obol Charona był zwyczajem pogrzebowym szeroko praktykowanym w całym świecie grecko-rzymskim, polegającym na umieszczeniu monety w ustach zmarłego lub w pobliżu jego ciała jako zapłaty dla Charona, który przewoził zmarłego do zaświatów. Zespół finansowanego ze środków UE projektu MORTI zamierza zbadać ten zwyczaj oraz zmiany mentalności na przestrzeni wieków. Badacze wykorzystają analizy zapisów historycznych oraz metody statystycznej analizy wielowymiarowej w celu zbadania setek monet z ponad 120 nekropolii datowanych na okres od III do XI wieku. Przeprowadzone badania rzucą nowe światło na wykorzystanie i znaczenie monet w praktykach funeralnych czasów nowożytnych. W ramach projektu zostaną także przeprowadzone badania związków monet z cechami osobowymi zmarłych, począwszy od wieku i płci, a kończąc na przynależności społecznej i religijnej.


Placing coins as grave offerings was one of the most common, and is among the most widely studied, funerary pagan practices in the Roman world. Charon’s obol was the toll that souls had to pay to be ferried to the netherworld. The deposition of coins in tombs did not cease with the Christianisation of the Roman world, and the extension, prevalence (in terms of geographical areas, types of burial, etc.) and meaning of this practice during the Middle Ages are unclear. The main aim of MORTI is to interpret the use and meaning of coinage in post-classical funerary practices through its full archaeological contextualisation and the study of its relationship with the personal traits of the individuals they were buried with (sex, age, social and religious affiliation, etc.). Northern Italy is an ideal region where to carry out this project; it is no only a key region to understand the transformations undergone by the Mediterranean world after the fall of the Roman Empire (militarisation of society and settlements, Gothic and Lombard kingdoms, the struggle between Arrians and Catholics, commercial exchange, etc.); it has also been subject to specific studies about post-classical funerary practices (CAMIS, CARE) leading to over 15,000 data entries that are of interest for the project. MORTI will use this record and statistical multivariate correspondence methods to analyse circa 800 coins from over 120 necropolis dated to between the 3rd and 11th centuries. This analysis will specifically examine the phenomenon of Charon’s obol, and more broadly the characteristics of funerary ritual and the evolution of post-classical mentalities over time. MORTI will create new links between numismatics and funerary archaeology, as well as opening a wide array of research and professional avenues to the applicant.


Wkład UE netto
€ 171 473,28
35122 Padova

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Nord-Est Veneto Padova
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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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€ 171 473,28